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Bf-" um- n/n we've been here for 30 minutes and you've ordered so many things (。·́︿·̀。) The bill is already $106 (」゜ロ゜)"

"My poor, poor wallet (ಥ﹏ಥ)"


Ollie took me out to an Cafe for our bet. I may or may not have Accidentally spent $145 because how much sweets I ate.

They where sobbing about how their dad was gonna kill them because how much they spent in just one outing and they just got more money form their allowance. I kinda felt bad but at the same time I didn't because the sweets where good, if I named everything and I mean everything that I ordered we would be here for ages.

I sat on the bench taking off my roller skates and putting on my shoes. Ollie just sat on the ground curling up while sobbing slightly.

I sighed putting all my things back in my bag and putting it on my back. I then pulled Ollie up and carried them bridal style. They looked surprised because I guess they weren't expecting me to pick them up.

I was home alone mom had to work another shift for her co-worker so I won't see her until 7:00 AM and Langa snuck out again. I'm pretty sure he thinks I didn't hear him jump out the window when I was passing his room.

But I did, I'm not stupid.

Picking up my phone I decided I would try to track langas phone.

I found his location...

I was wearing a fairly simple outfit with white roller skates just to get around faster

I ended up at an abandoned mineshaft ? I don't know honestly, there where lights and I saw a lot of people from where I was squatting (behind a bush) some people where hanging around the outside but not much and I could also see most of them had a...

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I ended up at an abandoned mineshaft ? I don't know honestly, there where lights and I saw a lot of people from where I was squatting (behind a bush) some people where hanging around the outside but not much and I could also see most of them had a skateboard with them.

I was gonna get up but I ended up getting poked in the hand with one of the branches and started bleeding. I instantly looked down to see how bad the bleeding was, it honestly wasn't that bad.

When I was checking for any other injury/scrapes on my hand I saw something on the ground. It looked like an S shaped pin? It was striped with red and black, it was kinda cool I guess .

I decided to keep the pin. I then stood up and skated towards the entrance gate. A group of three where in front of me and they looked around langas age maybe a little older like there early 20s. A man stopped then and asked for something I don't know I wasn't close enough to hear, but low and behold they pulled out a pin that looked exactly like the one I found and showed it to the guy and he let them go in.

I figured that the pin was some kinda entry ticket of some way I don't know but I'm glade I found the pin. I got lucky if I'm being honest. I'm pretty sure this event or whatever it was wasn't legal if they had security or people checking for a kinda pass.

Anyways, I ended up getting in and I immediately put on my hood. Just in case langa comes out of nowhere and sees me and then calls me out for stalking him. Which was true because I was stalking him, but I don't like getting called out.

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