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Me and Avril walked the busy streets of Okinawa, Avril's tail wagged violently as he looked around at all the people that where quietly oogling at him

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Me and Avril walked the busy streets of Okinawa, Avril's tail wagged violently as he looked around at all the people that where quietly oogling at him. I on the other hand was looking at my phone a lollipop in my mouth as I texted Ollie. Apparently Ollie and their dad went back to Canada to visit their Grandma and some cousins. They where supposed to be there for 2 weeks, I unfortunately wasn't informed of this at all. Which made me upset a little bit.

Anyway, as I reached the public park I swear I saw a slither of turquoise hair. Turquoise hair ain't common at all. I did what any logical person would do.

That leads us to now.  At a shop called "Dope Sketch". I had followed Langa of course keeping my distance Incase Avril decided he was gonna bark. Anyway Langa was with Reki who at this point I'm pretty sure they're secretly dating and his other friend Miya.

Miya was a handsome boy but I feel like we didn't really get off to a good start. He practically saw me at my worst, I'd be surprised if he'd still maybe wanna be my (boy)friend. Speaking of Miya I need to schedule when I can go back to "S" because I've only been like twice and I still need to talk it out with that "Shadow" dude.

Anywho, back to Langa. He was talking to Reki who was standing beside home and Miya who was sitting on the counter with a small fox? In his lap laying peacefully. I was deciding if I should walk in or not. I eventually decided I would indeed walk in.

The bell on the glass door jingled as I stepped, three heads turned towards me. I smirked as I saw the almost horror filled expression of Langa. Key word "almost" the other half of his expression was filled with anger. Which scared me a little bit. Not enough to scare me away though.

"So this is more important than telling people where you are?"

Langa speed walked towards me and grabbed my hand dragging me outside Avril trotting alongside me trying to keep up with Langa's speed.  

Oh lord, this was a bad idea.

Sorry for late chapter my step-dad got admitted in the hospital yesterday because of diabetes and I had I jumpscare cause it's my birthday month and last year my Grandpa died exactly on my birthday so- November cursed orrrr?

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