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It was Halloween morning, mom surprisingly had a day off work and Langa had friends coming over, me however had nothing planned whatsoever.I sulked thinking about how I didn't have much friends. Ollie's my only real friend and since I've moved from Canada I haven't had a chance to really make friends. I mean, before I got suspended I was taking online classes.

Online classes are ok, they aren't the best in my opinion. The teachers barely pay attention to you when you're online because they're busy with the other students that are there in person. So most of the time I have to teach myself how to do the work.

As I was thinking langa came into my room, startling me a little.
Ollie: Ollie[Maybe]
Langa : Langa[Yes]
Reki: Reki [We'll see]
Miya: Miya[planing on it]

Langa: Wanna go Trick-or-treating?
I thought about that question, I realized a lot since we moved here. A big thing that I've noticed though is that Langa has never really invited me anywhere with his friends unless he was forced by mom. I shook my head at langa who in return smiled and left my room.

In all honesty he asked the day of. I'm not going if I don't have a costume. I sat up from my plum bed and slumped to my closet. I changed into some grey sweatpants and a oversized black hoodie with a spider on it. I then made my way to the kitchen.

Mom was reading a magazine on the couch. She was wearing pink pajamas and her brownish hair was up in a messy bun. She looked up at me before going back to her magazine.

Meanwhile I searched the cabinets pulling out a load of ingredients I specifically placed a metal bowl in the middle of the counter with the whisk beside it. I took a can of pumpkin purée in the bowl then adding the other ingredients, mixing them together then pouring it in the pie crust. Langa the. Walked in dressed as the abominable snow monster. Looked like a furry costume though. (I have nothing against furries leave me alone pls 😶)

Langa: Whatcha makin'
Y: Pumpkin pie, I'm bored
Mom: why don't you go trick-or-treatin with Langa and his friends then sweetheart.
Y: I don't have a costume, I outgrew the one from last year too.

Mom pressed her lips together before sighing and going back to her magazine.Langa walked over to the counter where I was currently cleaning the mess I had made.

Langa: what kinda pie are you making?
Y: Pumpkin

My answer to his question came out meaner then I'd like but I was kinda stressed. I mean, I love my brother yes. Why does he only ask me to do things with him when mom asks him to? Quit frankly I feel under appreciated. Langa was silent so once I finished cleaning my mess I went to the backyard to get Avril then I went to my room to cuddle with him. Cuddling with Avril always calmed me dow

The pie was ready, I sliced it into 8 slices and took 1 and put it on a plate. I wrapped to rest of the pie and put it in the fridge wanting to eat it later. Normally I would eat the whole thing in one setting but I didn't feel like it for some reason. A knock from the door caught my attention, langa sprung up from his place on the couch which I didn't even know he was there so he scared me slightly. Im guessing mom went to her room to sleep since she probably had work tomorrow.

When langa opened the door he greeted the people before leading them into the kitchen, where I was. After langa walked in Reki and his other friend Miya walked in after. Langa pulled Reki aside and walked off leaving the ebony haired male in the kitchen with me.

He cleared his throat making me turn my attention that was previously on my pie to him. We mad idle conversation and ended up laughing while eating pumpkin pie Avril sat on my lap asleep.

[this was rushed cause I didn't know what to write and it's 9 something so it's bad I'm not happy, this might be deleted later, an actual chapter will be posted somewhere in November]

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