Corny Fridge?

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Gellert finally found Albus. He was in the Hog's Head Inn, drinking firewhiskey with McGonagall and Mad Eye Moody. He saw him from the window and entered.
-"Ah. It's him. Guess I have to go now." McGonagall hurried to escape.
-"What do you mean- Oh! I am afraid I have to go too, Albus." Mad Eye followed after her.
-"Wait I-"
-"Albussssss!" Gellert lifted his lover and hugged him tightly.
-"Gellert... I can't.... breath...."
-"Hey! Put my brother down!"
Gellert turned behind. He saw and old witch. Not very old, but still, not young. She has beautiful blue eyes, like his brother's.
-"Good evening." Gellert greeted respectfully.
-"Hello." Ariana responded with the same amount of respect. They were not close, no, but they always had a mutual respect. Since the day they met, I guess.
-"Al, how was your day?" She then turned to her brother.
-"Busy as usual. How about you?"
-"It was nice. Ab and I spent the whole day feeding to goats."
-"Again? Is this the... fifth time you are feeding them in this week, Ari?"
-"I guess so."
-"And we also looked at the Pensieve."
-"Oh? What memories?"
-"Mainly Ab's memories... The day when Mr. Grindelwald brought the resurrection stone to him."
-"That's nice. But why?"
-"I was just curious, you know. Wanted to know how I was resurrected, since you never told me. And nor did Aberforth."
-"I apologize for that. I never thought that you want to know the details."
-"Oh it's okay, you don't have to apologize. Actually I-"
Someone has rushed into the bar. It was Hagrid.

-"Good evening, professor. Good evening, ma'am. And good evening, Sir." He said while panting.
-"Hagrid. Why are you in a rush?" Ariana asked with concern.
-"Ma'am, the minister, Cornelius Fudge, is at the Hogwarts' gates waiting for Albus Dumbledore."
-"I'll be right back, Ari. And thanks for telling, Hagrid. I really appreciate that." Albus said and left the bar. Gellert followed after him.
-"No problem, Sir."
-"Why are you following me Gellert? You can just stay with Ari."
-"But I don't want to be apart from you! I spent the whole day without you, and now I have to wait again? For that little Corny Fridge?!"
-"Gell, please don't be disrespectful."
-"I don't care. Just don't leave me."
-"Okay, fine. But promise me that you won't be disrespectful in front of him."

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