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20: 35, the headmaster's office. Albus just finished his work. Grindelwald took out some lemon sherbets and gave them to Dumbledore.


"Yes?" He said contentedly, chewing the candy.

"I would like to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I have got a potion that can make us look young. Would you like to try?"

"What for?"

"So you can pay more attention to me." He said wronged.

"Gellert." Dumbledore said, amused.

"It's not funny! I need you to drink it... or at least I will." He took the potion out of his pocket and drank the entire bottle.

Suddenly Grindelwald started to feel his face tightening, his body becoming skinnier and taller, and his lover's face more and more concerned.

"Let me see." He grabbed the mirror on Dumbledore's desk and looked at it. He was amazed by the result, his lips going up. "Well? My love? Do you like what you see?" He also noticed that his voice sounded more charming, maybe even a little...seductive.

"It... it doesn't change anything. Honestly, it wasn't necessary at all. You are still Gellert. The same one." He said calmly.

Gellert raised his right eyebrow. "I don't agree with a single word you have just said, and what is more, Albus, I don't believe that you do either. I can see your eyes flickering."

And that was true. Albus's eyes were, indeed, flickering.

"I won't drink it."

"Please, liebling," he whispered into Albus's ears." it's lemon sherbet flavored and, what is more, darling, there will be a kiss after you drink it. A sweet sweet kiss." He took out the other potion while pleading and placed it into Albus's left hand.

Finally, under the seductive whispers of the golden haired young man, Dumbledore gave up and drank the liquid. Later, he experienced the same sensations as what Gellert did several minutes ago. 

"Gellert. How do I look?"

The golden haired wizard leaned on to kiss his lover, but maintaining a small distance between their lips. He wanted to see Albus, not him, colliding their lips. The older one gasped, and soon closed his eyes, with expectations growing higher and higher. However, to his surprise, nothing occurred! Gellert smirked, realizing his lover's small disappointment, but immediately hid it. He did, however, gently fix Albus' hair, and looked at him deep into the eyes. Albus was just opening his eyes at that exact moment, and when he saw Gellert looking at him-he suddenly remembered that night in Godric's Hollow, when they made the blood pact, and he was looking at him just like this. The white wizard felt adrenaline running through his blood, and heard his heart pumping loudly. Or, perhaps it was Gellert's heart? It did not matter. His brain got blank and he finally leaned closer to kiss his love of the life. Oh, how much did he miss these kinds of things, which were thought to be only done by the young. He was enjoying himself and having beautiful flashbacks until suddenly someone knocked on the door.

"Umm, Mr. Grindelwald?" The knock still persisted.

"What now?!" Gellert exclaimed, while opening the door.

"C...can I talk to- wait. Who are you? Why are you in the headmaster's office?" Asked a quite good looking professor.

"Because I am his boyfriend, stupid." Gellert said annoyed, completely forgetting that his appearance had changed.

"No you're not. His boyfriend is Gellert Grindelwald. Anyway, don't you ever say this in front of him, if you do not wish to die the most painful death."

"What are you talking about? I am-" Then he stopped, because he saw his reflection through the man's glasses. He remembered that he is no longer the grumpy old Grindelwald, but a handsome young gentleman. There, the young professor also saw Albus Dumbledore. But of course, his young version. However, in stead of being confused, he recognized him. 

"Professor Dumbledore! Why are you...?"

"Lannister, I deeply apologize for the inconvenience I have created for you. It is all a small accident, and I promise that the effects of this magic won't be too long. And, if you don't mind, can we talk later, please?"

"Of course, professor. Have a nice evening." Then he left.

"Albus, this is so unfair!"

"What is unfair?"

"He recognized you but not me!! Why is that so?"

"Because he saw my old pictures, silly."

"What? You have shown him your old pictures?!"

"They are in the books, Gellert."


A long silence. Albus Dumbledore is thinking, thinking how can he manage this situation properly. 



"Are you going to sleep with me tonight?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well because I have some plans..."

"Oh Gellert don't you even think about it!"

"Why not?"

"We're literally over hundred years old."





"Fine! At least can we cuddle before sleep."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2022 ⏰

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