Pink Dementor

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-"Professor." McGonagall felt relieved when she saw Albus. Then she saw Gellert. Her hands started to sweat. "Oh Merlin. Something is definitely going to happen." She thought.

-"Good evening. May I ask what brought you here, Cornelius?"

-"I am here to talk about the Triwizard Tournament. It is suspended." He said arrogantly, with his heads and nose up. Aberforth would have definitely said that he looks like a goat if he was here.
-"For what reason?" Dumbledore asked calmly.
-"The ministry believes the person organizing it is absolutely unreliable."

Gellert couldn't hold his anger anymore. "This little saukerl first distracted Albus from spending the night with me, then suddenly declared that all his efforts put on the Tournament was useless, and now he is insulting him?!" 
Albus noticed his anger, so he grabbed his arm gently. Gellert looked him in the eyes, indicating that he can't bear it anymore. The headmaster shook his head slightly.

-"Cornelius, I have absolutely nothing against you. But I must remind you that the Triwizard Tournament is a very important event. It is a Tournament which was created hundreds of years ago, by one of the most brilliant witches and wizards of their time. It demonstrates the skills of young witches and wizards and it demonstrates the teaching and academic skills of the professor in Hogwarts, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. And most importantly, it strengthens the friendship between the schools. And of course, please don't forget that all the students and professors were preparing for that day for three years. Three entire years. All their efforts, training and competition of three years was useless. And all because of... you. What will they think of the ministry? What will they think of you?"

Fudge was silent for a moment.
-"...Fine. Forget about everything I said." Then he turned to Umbridge and Shacklebolt. "We're leaving."
-"E hem." Umbridge coughed.
Gellert rolled his eyes. "Not again, this pink dementor." 

-"Excuse me professor Dumbledore, so silly of me but it sounded, like you were intimidating the Minister. Do you mind explaining your words?" Umbridge said with her high-pitched pretentious voice.

-"You little saumen-" 
-"No Gellert-"
Gellert pulled out his wand and pointed it towards Umbridge. Suddenly she turned into a pink, fat, and ugly toad.

-"You have no right to do this!" Fudge said while actually being afraid of Gellert.
-"You want it too?" He said with an intimidating voice.
-"Gellert." Albus said with a serious tone.
-"But Albus! They insulted you and they-"
Albus shook his head. Gellert put his wand back. He sat on a couch and was silent. McGonagall(for the first time)felt sympathy for him.

Albus turned her back to her original body.
-"I apologize. This will not happen again."
-"You didn't have to apologize, she deserved it." Gellert said.
Albus frowned at him.
-"Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Just don't frown. When you frown my heart hurts."
-"Minister, you might not like him, but you can't deny: Dumbledore's got a boyfriend that everyone would love to have."

Happy New Year!

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