Gellert the Drama Queen

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Gryffindor common room, 8:49pm. 

Every single Gryffindor sat down. Those who didn't have a seat sat down on the floor. Even those who have exams tomorrow, came and looked at Harry.

"What?" Harry asked.

"Yesterday you told us you and Ron will do that. So? Aren't you gonna tell us what happened?" Dean said.

"Well it was successful." He replied shortly.

"Details! We need juicy details! Did he yell at you? Intimidated you? Mocked at you? Laughed at you? What happened?" A fourth-year student said excited, almost passionately.

"Guys you won't believe!" Ron jumped out of the sofa. "He THANKED us!"

Everyone gasped, including Hermione.

"No way." Fred and George said together.

"Yes! And then he seemed to even smile! I saw his lips going up when he was leaving."

"What did you say?"

"I said he-"

"Stop stop stop! Explain everything from the start to the end. Tell us the dialogue,every single word uttered, else we would be confused for the rest of our lives." Hermione interrupted.

"She's right." Harry said.

"Alright. Who starts first?" He looked at Harry.


And then he told them everything, every word he could remember, every facial expression and every detail, such as his hand movements, eyebrows and even the way he walked.

"But I still feel like he knows what we're doing. I don't know why, or how, but it doesn't look like we outsmarted him."

"Of course we didn't. But anyway we didn't even intend to outsmart him, right? We didn't even lie to him."


"So stop worrying Harry. Everything will be just fine." Ron said.

"I guess so."

The Gryffindors all went back to their dorms, since it was already 11pm. But before they left, they all thanked Harry and Ron, some of them even gave them sweets.

Meanwhile, in the headmaster's office, Albus was working hard. Gellert was also working hard, to... to let Albus pay attention to him.



"When will you finish?"

"Not until tomorrow evening."



"Are you done yet?"



He sighed. "Yes?"

"Can you at least stop for a second, and then continue?"



"Is it because I look older now?"

"Pardon?" He finally lifted his head, looking at Gellert.

"You don't love me any more, don't you? You used to stop everything just to kiss me, even when you had really important events the following morning, you used to call me darling, tell me that you only love me, not your foolish students, but now... you won't even look at me! You are always being the saint, the holy Dumbledore, with lights coming through your nostrils," he said sarcastically, "you're just being the perfect saint in other's eyes, neglecting your own boyfriend." 

The headmaster finally put away his pen, paying more attention to his jealous angry bird.

"But Gellert, I spend so much time with you!" He said, trying to hold his laugh.

"No you don't!"

"I do, actually. Let's calculate a little, shall we? So, I spend about 10 hours a day working. In those 10 hours, I work 5 hours with other teachers, 2 with students and 3 with you."

"You don't work with me, I just watch you working."

"But you're here together with me, distracting, aren't you?" He said smiling.

"But anyway you still work more hours with others than me!"

"Don't forget that it is work time, I was not even supposed to be with you."


"And now, 7 hours of sleep. 30 minutes for eating breakfast and supper-15 minutes each, 2 hours for lunch and dinner, one hour each-remember that I eat with you, which means- I spend 2 and a half hours eating. Now the time for the use of lavatory each day is approximately 1 and a half hours. I also spend one hour with my colleagues and friends. So, in conclusion, I spend seven hours of sleep-with you, two and a half hours for eating-with you, 3 hours of working-with you and 2 hours of relaxation-with you. Fourteen and a half hours spent with you. Is it not enough, dear?"

"Sleeping does not count."

"Oh, so if it doesn't count, that means I can sleep with Severus at night, correct?"

"No that's not what I meant!"

The headmaster laughed. "I know. You are bored, that's why you're doing this, right?"

"No, that is not true. If I was bored I could have easily grabbed a book, invented a spell, conquered a country-" Gellert  immediately stopped himself when he saw the ocean eyed wizard's eyebrows. "But what I'm trying to say is that I am not bored, I'm lonely."

Dumbledore bursted out laughing. 

"What? I'm serious."

"By Merlin Gellert, you are such a drama queen."

"But I am saying the truth!"

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