Best friends

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"I don't believe this..." Valt muttered the nth time since it happened. He had rushed to the scene of open crime after getting word from Rantaro. Of all the ways to die, he never expected Theodore to be killed by a serial killer during questioning.

Rantaro had heard the unbeatable saying his name before killing the head officer, but he refused to share that information, and merely told Valt to call the boy 'kid', which wasn't very satisfying. Theodore had willed that Valt would get the position of head officer if Theodore retires or dies, but what would be the use if his own police is hiding things from him? He had declared that the kid would be in jail for as long as Valt is sure his lust had subsided, and after the time in jail, he would be sent to a mental hospital for a few years to make him think like a normal human for once. Valt didn't want to, but he was damn pissed with this blonde kid for making everything so hard. If he could only tell the reason to his trigger, everything could be sorted easily and they'd be able to find the right help for him.

There was a knock on the door, and Valt said, "Come in!". Yes, even though he was dying from his fatigue and confusion inside, he cannot show any weakness outside, especially not to one of his officers.

One of their best jailkeeper stepped in. He was a recruit who came to the force along with Valt, but his second mission ended in an accident for him, and thus, he cannot tolerate sharp and loud voices like a gunshot. So he was reduced as a jailkeeper, to both his and Valt disappointment. Valt was his best friend, and both of them had the passion to join the police force since they were little kids. But when he got into his accident, Valt had insisted to keep him in the station, but with an easier job. He had been grateful that Valt requested to keep him, but still a little bit sad that he was not able to do anything better. So he had been trying hard for the only job he had got, all while treating his damaged ear, which could heal with treatment after a few more years. It was Theodore who had arranged the special treatment for him and the albino was grateful, and that was why he hated the blonde killer from the bottom of his heart.

"Valt", He said. They always use their name to each other even if the albino is way below Valt in ranks.

"Shu..." And suddenly, the seriousness in Valt's eyes changed, to be replaced by a comical twinkling. He was always excited when his best friend and secret crush came over during his hardest times. Shu sighed at his best friend's weirdness, but then smiled.

"Shu! How's it going, buddy!?" Valt practically screamed, making the jailkeeper cover his eyes in the fear of loosing his eardrums. But then Shu's smile faded.

"The kid is in the jail which I guard? Why can't it be any other jail rather than mine? Like, Yugo's or something?" Valt sighed. He would be lying if he said he didn't expect this coming.

"Shu, you saw his power. He's mighty strong. And we need our best jailkeeper to guard his cell. And you are the best." Valt said with a small pout which Shu can never resist.

"Valt..." Shu said accusingly, but sighed when Valt only showed more of his puppy eyes, "Ugh! Fine then. I'll be his jailkeeper. But don't think I won't get payback."

"Yeah, yeah, right." Valt laughed it off, at how adorable his crush sounded.

But little did he know, his punishment was his heartbreak.

I wanted to make this chapter longer, but I got this amazing pickup line to write in the end of this chapter, so I stopped here. If my offline classes begin after this Christmas vacation, then I'd probably keep all my social media in my grandparents' place, and would only be able to upload when I come here for small holidays. But the days I come, I'll upload a lot! But I'm still here until January 2(or more if online classes continue), so I'll upload a lot in these days :)


Mr. Policeman (Free De La Hoya x Shu Kurenai)Where stories live. Discover now