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Boa slid the bowl of soup to Shu's lap, "Drink up, shorty."

"I'm not short!"

"Yeah, and I'm Thor."

The friends were giggling around and enjoying their last moments in the apartment before Boa would be caught. Shu was determined to make his new friend as happy as possible before the police come in. But his ankle was hurt from all the running. So Boa treated him as they goofed around.

"So Boa, how did you meet the gang?" Shu asked. Boa nodded to thin air.

" was quite an adventurous story. I was always abused and bullied wherever I go. I've even been raped by my dad's brother. But I had a friend, and he always attended to me no matter what. We became inseparable, and that's when all hell broke loose."

Shu blinked and edged closer to Boa, curious about the story.

"His family was killed by the police, the same time my family decided to move to another country. I didn't wanna leave him at that condition, so I snuck out of the airport to get to him. I killed a few police officers when I see them, which made me a criminal. And that's when my friend invited me to the most unexpected place, a gang.

"The gang featured the leader, Shirasagijo Lui, Sisco Carlisle, Gou Chagake, and a lot more. My friend, Free De La Hoya, told them about my shooting and computer skills, earning me the title of the 'Hacker gun' in the police world. I was welcomed with open arms."

Shu stared at Boa as he said it, lips slightly quivering. Suddenly, he pulled closer to Boa and gave him a kiss on the forehead, "You went through a lot, didn't you?"

Boa hugged the albino back, slightly shaking.

"I don't think you will be punished if you have a reason this harsh." Shu comforted, and Boa just smiled at him.

"Now, let me tell you about Free's story."


"Why didn't you kill me when you had the chance to..?"

All the three of them went motionless, Lui slightly shaking because of the quiet sobs. Valt's emotionless façade faded slightly, and he looked guilty. But that changed a moment later.

"There's no excuses for bastard killers like you. Either get in jail, or die. That was your destiny from the start."

Lui looked up, tears staining his pale cheeks and teeth gritted, "Then you should be in jail too for sexual abuse."

There was a long silence. Aiga was staring back and forth at Lui and Valt, totally confused. Valt had his guilty face again, but this time, mixed with slight fear.

"Like anyone would believe you! Dipshit!"

Lui chuckled, but it was dry and pained, "I have proof. But I wouldn't share it with you. I know you'll just destroy it."

"Yeah right!"

But Valt looked scared, he knew Lui wouldn't lie about this. And Aiga heard their whole conversation, making him a witness for everything. Valt panicked, wondering how to get out of this situation. And that's when an idea stuck him.

"Lui, let's get back together."

The flame-haired bluenette blinked, "What?"

"Let's get back together, and I'll clear your name from the court. But instead you have to keep my past a secret and also start over with me."

Lui looked at Valt with wide eyes, tilting his head up because he was sitting on the floor when Valt was standing above him. The look made him seem quite submissive, even though he was not.


Valt kneeled beside him and held his jaw, leaning in for a kiss, but they heard someone clearing his throat.

"I'm still here, you know?" Aiga said and something about his voice send chills down both the other men's spine. They looked up to see him smirking down at them, "And what do I get to hide both of your crimes?"

Lui gulped. Valt broke a sweat. Aiga was enjoying their tension. But then the taller bluenette said, "Why don't you join us?"


"Well, since you forgot, you're a criminal too." Valt said, "So join us and you would be under my wing too, brute."

Aiga frowned at the nickname, but ignored it and nodded, "Good. We have a deal then."

My laptop didn't find another time for the network to be over, huh..?
Gosh I hate my sister. She finished all the network even if I said that I needed to upload a lot of stories today.
Jerky attitude #1.
Anyway, stay safe and happy.


Mr. Policeman (Free De La Hoya x Shu Kurenai)Where stories live. Discover now