The gang

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Lui turned his head towards one of his youngsters in the gang, "Yes, Aiger?"

"Free-san wants too meet you." He said. Normally, Aiger isn't so respectful, but it was different in Lui's case. Lui was a hot-headed(Literally), rude, cold bastard who could kill you at any moment. He had once nearly killed Aiger when the boy was being too loud and disrespectful, so now he knows better.

"Let him, or should I say, them in."

Aiger hummed and left the room. Lui grinned and stood up from his chair and moved closer to the window. A moment later, the door opened and Free entered with the unconscious albino.

"What all lies did you spoon-feed to the police this time, Free?" Lui asked. This wasn't the first time Free was caught, but this was the first time he was caught in his real form. Dressing up was a major part of their missions, but Free was confident enough to not do that after his first few kills. And that ended him in a cell, but not now that he escaped.

"I just gave false information of Boa and Sisco, nothing else. I told him that Boa was thief and Sisco a drug dealer. Well, that's the total opposite of what they do."

"Sisco is a stripper who kills the woman he beds with, Boa is a hacker. But we still have people who are thieves and drug dealers. If the police caught them with your clues, I'll kill you myself."

Free snorted, "Oh, please. They'll never! They're all dumb as hell."

Lui looked at the sleeping albino, "So he caught your eye?"

Free smirked, "In a way, yes. I'd enjoy him."

"A toy then."

"What else?"


Lui snorted, "I would admit he's hot, but that seems very unlike you to judge someone by their looks..?"

Free grinned, "He's fun."



Lui sighed. He glared at the blonde, "If you and your whore cause me any trouble..."

Free shrugged, "We won't."

Lui hummed and turned back to the window.

Free left the room as Aiger entered.

"Shirasagijo-sama, you told me to come at 5:40 pm?"

"Yes I did." Lui said and sat back on his bed, gesturing Aiger to sit on the chair in front of the study table. Aiger sat down stiffly.

"I want you to go back to the police station and stalk the blue man. Give me a piece of the new head officer. Let's see how smart he is, he did manage to capture the high school genius Free."

Aiger looked from his lap to Lui swiftly, "Ok! Shirasagijo-sama!"

Lui hummed and lay down, letting sleep overtake him as Aiger left the room and closed the door behind him.


Valt sighed as he walked back to his house. He could just take a taxi, but he likes the cool air which blows at this time of the day. As he walked in a slow and comfortable pace, he heard a twig breaking, and his police days taught him that this means someone is following him.

"Who's there?" Valt asked without turning back. He heard a giggle.

"So you did find me, officer blue?" Aiger chuckled as he got down from the trees, where he accidently slipped an inch when he was stalking the head officer. Valt's eyes narrowed, "And who might you be?"

"Van Gun" Aiger lied with the first name that popped in his head. Valt extended his hand for a shake, "Aoi Valt."

"You don't seem like you're from America..?"

"Oh. Me and my friend moved here to be part of the American police. We're from Japan. Anyway, why were you stalking me?"

Aiger popped the first excuse he thought, " Isn't it obvious?"

Valt raised an eyebrow, which the ravenette found hot, "What would be this obvious matter that I don't understand?"

"I want to join the police force!"

Valt and Aiger both was shocked by those words. Aiger mentally cursed himself for being so stupid, but Valt patted his shoulder with a smile.

"Come to the office 10:30 am tomorrow, I'll give you your application papers." He said and made his way back, leaving the younger ravenette shocked.


"WHAT!?" Lui shouted at Aiger when he heard what happened. Aiger bowed his head in shame, until he heard a chuckle from Lui.

"You know, that's actually a good thing...A criminal in the police force. Especially the police force who wants to hunt us down. If you don't fuck up Akabane, we could run this mistake smoothly and turn it into a miracle."

Aiger nodded eagerly, "I won't mess it up, I promise!"

"Find info about what they get about us daily. And also feed them fake information about us."

Aiger grinned and nodded with a dark look in his eyes, "Ha! Easy."

Lui snorted, "And try not to flirt or fuck the head officer in the way."

This took me only an hour to complete, so I'm proud my brain skills and my typing skills are increasing! I saw in one of my books that there was a slight confusion in the characters age in real beyblade burst. So here it is (Of season 2):
Valt: 11
Shu: 12
Free: 13
Valt is YOUNGER than Shu, not the other way around. And Free is two years older than Valt, even if they look the same age.
Valt: March
Shu: September
Free: November
And Valt and Shu were in the same grade because they are only 6 months different from each other, so Valt would probably have just turned 10 and Shu would be nearing 11.
Hope you understand my complicated blabbers :))
Stay safe and happy!


Mr. Policeman (Free De La Hoya x Shu Kurenai)Where stories live. Discover now