A flirt

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The unbeatable sat quietly in his cell, leaning against the wall. He was about to fall asleep when the door separating all the cells and the main police halls opened and a beauty in a police uniform entered. The blonde stared at him as he walked towards his cell and unpacked a few chains from his uniform pocket. 

"Hey cutie."

Shu glared at him darkly. How dare he!?

"Shut up, you motherfucker." Shu shot at him, making the other grin widely.

"I have a name, you know..." Shu glare hardened.

"Oh yeah", Shu said sarcastically, "The unbeatable. Yeah right, bitch. Like I'm going to call you that. Not when you got beaten by my best friend."

"It's Free." The killer said. Shu's head spun to the killer's direction. He didn't look like he was lying. But Free grinned maniacally again, "I didn't get your name, or should I keep calling you cutie?"

If looks could kill, Free would have been laying dead with at least a hundred stabs on his body. Shu's glare was so venomous, filled with hatred, but yet, Free was unfazed by it. Finally, the albino gave up.

"You don't have to call me by my name. It's jailkeeper for you." Shu said, making Free pout.

"Aw, that sounds boring. You know what? I'll call you Mr. Policeman. That sounds more satisfying. How old are you?"

"None of this is your business so shut up and go fuck yourself."

Free smirked, "I'd rather fuck you."

Shu decided to ignore the blush creeping on his face, "You're going to kill me by today at this rate."

"Darling, I'd never kill you-"

"What did I told you about calling me that?"

"You never said no to darling-"

Ugh- JUST SHUT UP! You're giving me a headache."

Shu sat on a chair next to Free's cell. He held his head with his hand and started feeling blurry all over. Until he felt a hand touching his lower back.

"AH!" He screeched as he jumped out of the chair. Free smirked. 

"Ah, sorry Mr. policeman. My hand have a habit of moving on it's own to attractive objects."

Shu slapped the top of his head, "Oh shoot, I nearly forgot!"

He looked cautiously at the killer and with the speed of lightning, he had opened the cell and locked himself and the killer inside. Free didn't even had time to react, but he smirked when the jailkeeper turned to him.

"Being kinky, aren't we?" The killer mused. Shu snorted, "In your dreams."

Shu edged to him and grabbed both of the slim hands swiftly. He started tying them up with the chains on either side of the blonde. Free didn't do anything, loving what the pretty policeman was doing to him. 

Shu had tied him up. Now he went back outside the cell in normal speed and tied a lot of chains around the opening too. He glared at the killer.

You're going to pay for whatever shit you've done in your life."

I know this is wayyyy short, but as I said, I'm going to be absent for a while and wanted to upload this. This will be my last story in a while, But I think I'll be updating psycho's pet after my exams first. Pls wait for me, like Hyde did for Aiga.


Mr. Policeman (Free De La Hoya x Shu Kurenai)Where stories live. Discover now