He knows

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"How's it going?"

"Very good, sir. They aren't suspecting a thing."

"Good", Lui's satisfied voice said quietly. It's been a week since Aiga had been a recruit in the station and he was already getting pampered by everyone because of his smart ideas and quirky behaviour. The boy knew he got the station wrapped around his pinkie, but something else bothered him. Even though Valt had always congratulated and supported him, his eyes said that he didn't believe him at all. That made Aiga nervous and slightly cautious around the head. But he wouldn't dare tell this to his boss. The last thing he want is a whip to his back or living in the streets for a month.

"And speaking of the police, Boa almost got caught by one. Again." Lui said, but chuckled after the sentence, making Aiga kind of relieved. His boss seemed to be in a good mood today.

"Oh, did he? That clumsy bastard." Aiga chuckled with him. They both were in good moods. But none of them noticed the shadow leaning outside Aiga's slightly opened room, making it hear their voices quiet, but clear.


Shu was moved to another room while he was sleeping. He woke up in a much cleaner room with a bed, a study, decent but barred windows and a locked door. He wasn't tied up, and there was a tiny cat flipper on the door, making food way to reach him. There was nothing in the room except for a pen, and Shu wondered if he can escape using it.

It was another day at the locked place and Shu was randomly drawing on the walls with the pen like a toddler, when he felt the door click open.

Free always looked fragile, but right now, he was swaying dangerously. Shu, forgetting that he could have used the chance to escape, quickly rushed to Free and helped him. But his confused look changed when he felt Free suddenly closing and locking the door, pinning Shu to it.


Shu felt warm soft lips roughly pushing against his, and suddenly everything went black.


Valt was stacking the papers in order when the door opened and Aiga entered, looking like the smart police he was.

"Hmm?", Valt hummed at him in question of his presence. The ravenette smiled his charming fake smile, "I was wondering if you'll let me off for this weekend, I have to visit my family. It's been a while." He made a face making him look like he was homesick and that his family would be waiting for him, if he had one. Valt considered it, then stood up, smiling.

"You know, I've been thinking about it for a while too. I have wanted to visit you family for ages now. A little chat with my best man's parents won't hurt, right?"

Aiga really wanted to say otherwise to that 'It won't hurt', but went against it. He tried to find an excuse.

"B-But...I-I want some family quality time! Yeah, we really want to spent this alone to have time with each other!"

Valt made a sad face, but it got replaced easily, "Or maybe I'll come with you and talk to your family, then I'll leave and you can have your time!"

Aiga got nervous, "M-My parents...they don't like other people visiting...t-they are quite uncomfortable with that..." Aiga suddenly stopped. Valt was really looking down. There was a shadow covering his eves and his lips formed into a tight frown the ravenette had never seen before. But the expression didn't last for more than 1.4 seconds when Valt looked up with his cheery smile, "C'mon Aiga, it'll be fun! Your family, I mean."

The shorter boy even regretted mentioning to meet his family.

"Valt, sir. Please let me go alone this time. I'll be back and will take you to my family next time-" Aiga saw Valt walking up to him.

"Did you really thought I was that stupid, Aiga?" Valt's voice was suddenly deep, and he was so close that his breath tickled the other's ear. Even though Aiga was unable to see the other's face, he could tell that he was in deep shit.

"Recall this?" Valt asked suddenly and brought out his phone, taking a voice recorder app and playing it. Aiga's blood ran cold when he heard the conversation with Lui from the night before. He was dead, he knew it. Either Valt, or Lui.

"You really thought I would fall for that charming policeman's tricks who even got a promotion to the sub-seniors in a week? Do you really think I would fall for that lame trick when you sprayed the suspect object in that chemical spray so that no one would find out? Did you assume that you'll be able to charm your way through everyone, and finally got what you wanted, the polices' downfall?"

Aiga lost every breath and his cheeks automatically heated up when Valt pinned him to the wall and whispered a little seductively into his ear.

"I'll show you true charm, love."


The boy felt weak all over when he woke up, it felt like his arms were tied-

Wait, they were tied!

Shu tried to figure out what exactly happened. He remembered Free looking fragile and...drunk. Then the criminal kissing full on his lips and then, he remembered nothing.

"Looks like you're awake."

Shu, not able to move his ankles or wrists, turned his head to see a tough-looking boy with olive hair and a scar across the nose. He even looked attractive in a way, looking all tough.

"So you are the little whore Free brought here? How adorable." The guy said and walked towards Shu. Taking advantage of the tied wrists, the boy ran his hands softly across Shu's torso, sending shivers down the other's spine, "W-What are you-"

"Your quite cute, but I won't do anything to you. As a matter of fact, I'm taking the advantage of not having Free or Lui here to give you my proposal."

Shu blinked. Boa smiled at the albino.

"I'll help you escape and catch all of these criminals. In return, you must hide me and also give me a place to live."

Hey guys! I'm sorry I wasn't around very much. I was kinda busy yesterday and today as we just shifted to our mom's house for a couple of weeks. I wanted to make this chapter longer, but I really didn't want y'all to wait. Please don't be angry at me, I get very tired and stressed these days because of the heat, although it rained a bit today :)
Stay safe and happy!


Mr. Policeman (Free De La Hoya x Shu Kurenai)Where stories live. Discover now