Police criminal

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(Slight sexual scenes)

Shu opened his eyes slowly, only to be met with a dark room. The only source of light was the small bar-sealed window high up out of anyone's reach. He could see with the very little light that he was chained to the floor like in the police cells. His hands were chained on either side of him with the other ends of the chains joined tightly on the wall. His legs weren't cuffed or chained, and there was nothing else in the room except for two small plates, one red and one blue. Then he felt a cold air hitting his body and looked down in horror and embarrassment.

He was naked.

"So you're awake, bun?"

Shu gave a start to hear that familiar voice. And from the shadows emerged Free De La Hoya.

"LEMME GO!" Shu shouted and started to struggle, making Free chuckle in amusement.

"Aw, bun. No one is going to hear you. It's just us, me and you."

Shu growled, "Bastard."

Free smirked, "Are you bored?"

Shu's growling face faded slightly, "Huh?"

"I could entertain us."

Shu remembered the last time Free 'entertained' him. As if Free read his mind, he shook his head, "I mean, you're caught and all now so what would be the loss?"

Shu pulled his growling face again as Free looked up and down at him. Only after a second he remembered he was naked.

"WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT PERVERT!?" Shu roared and tried to raise his legs up to cover his body, but Free sat on his thighs.

"It's not like anyone's complaining about the view, and it's just us~"

Shu whimpered and squirmed under the stronger criminal. Free smirked and ran his hands on Shu's naked chest, "It looks delicious..." And he attacked the soft skin with his mouth.

"Ah~" Shu let out a soft moan when Free started to lick on his nipple. The blonde ran his hands lower and lower Shu's body until it reached his crotch.

"S-Stop..." Shu whimpered quietly. Free frowned at him, "Hmm?"


To the albino's surprise, Free stood up. He moved away from the albino, smirking slightly.

"The fact that I stopped now doesn't mean you're safe. I'll come back for that lovely body of yours, and I won't hold back next time...bunny."

And the blond turned around and Shu heard a lock, and a door opened.

"So long, Mr. policeman." Free said before getting out and locking the door behind him.


"Mr. Akaba."

Akaba Aiga bowed at the head police, "YESSIR!"

Valt flinched, "You don't have to shout...I can hear you."

Aiga frowned, mumbling an apology. Valt smiled at him before going to his business mode.

"We got a small lead. A girl was raped in (insert name) alley and we suspect it's one of them. Come back alive and with a lead. If you are able to do this, I could even promote you from rookie to junior."

Aiga nodded, smirking internally with a plan, "YESSIR!"

"Not so loud."

"Whoop- sorry."

Back in his room, Aiga smirked, taking something random, in this case, a bottle cap. He carefully sprayed every part of it with a bottle of blue liquid spray and saw that he didn't touch the parts he sprayed. Now the fingerprints are off the cap. He wrapped it in cloth and changed into his police costume, walking out and meeting with the rest of the squad.

They reached the crime scene and Aiga let the bottle cap fall out of the cloth and to the ground. He had sprayed it with Lui's cologne which the other uses to spray on the people he murdered or raped, so that it would cover his real scent. He then inspected the cap on the ground.

"Inspector Kiyama!"

Rantaro came running to him, "This gives off the smell of the criminal and it is lying in the area of crime. I think it could be a valuable clue."

Even if slightly puzzled, Rantaro nodded and took the bottle cap in a clean odourless cloth, going back to the police car.

Aiga smirked. Now Valt couldn't do anything but trust him.

I hope this chap was alright, I hurried it off so that I will be able to upload some more books. As I said in perverted mafia heir, I won't be able to write at all in the first month of my vacation, that is, from March to April half. I'm going to my mom's house and my sister is staying back because her class won't end soon, so she needs the laptop for her online classes. I won't have any other devices there so no stories for a month. So I'm trying to write in between my exams at all time possible and trying to upload at least one chapter of every book and also finish perverted mafia heir. Hope you guys can wait for a month.
And for the police rookie-junior confusion, I don't know much about police, so I made things up. There are a few ranks before the head.
Sub-head inspector
Head inspector
Hope you understood this puzzling whatever.
Stay safe and happy.


Mr. Policeman (Free De La Hoya x Shu Kurenai)Where stories live. Discover now