2. Mornings.

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I wake up to a slap in the face... litteraly. "Wake the fuck up or you'll be late, and I'm not driving you" my dad yells as he slams the door. I groan and sleepily get out of bed. Throw on some random purple sweater and some brown shorts and the only pair of shoes I have. Brush a comb through my hair and look in the mirror at my ugly dis-formed bruised face.. I wonder how no one notices. I'm glad they don't ask cause even if the did I would come up with a lame excuse.. but does anyone care?

'No Travis, no one cares about you. No one. Not even your mom. In fact no one would even notice if you just disappeared. You should kill yourself travis'

I shake that thought out of my head. Grab my bag and head to the kitchen. "I'm leaving for school dad" he ignores me as I walk out the front door. I hate that word. Dad. He's not my dad, just some dude who owns me.

I walk to school, the distant sounds of kids talking gets louder as I walk closer. I hate this school. I always feel like I'm being stared at. Like I'm the faggot who deserves to burn. And it sucks that algebra is my first period too.


Sally face

I wake up to the sound of my alarm blaring in my ear. Lazily I turn it off while stumbling out of bed. I throw on my usually black hoodie and maroon pants and clip on my prosthetic. I walk out the door and I'm immediately greeted by Larry. "Morning Bro!" I give him a suspicious look. "I know what you did..."
"Uhh. What did i do" he asks as we start to walk out to his car. We get in his car and I yell in his face jokingly "YOU ATE MY FRUIT LOOPS!". He laughs "it wasn't me I swear!!" I adjust my seatbelt giving him a side glance. I whisper "I'm onto you bro."

We arrive at school. I hop outta the car and catch a glance at Travis. He was already looking at me.. He quickly looks away. Did he have a new bruise on his face? I always wonder where he gets those. Maybe he picks fights with other kids during school hours. But sometimes it feel like he only targets me.. Why me?!

OOOH TY FOR READING I'm sorry I haven't gotten to the actual like shipping but you gotta build up some character first okay.. also notice how I put the title In the story ehehe I'm just sneaky like that -Sam
406 words

Why me?! (Sally face X Travis)Where stories live. Discover now