3. Feelings?

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Every day. Every time. Whenever I arrive at school why is he the first one I look for? Just to see if he will be in math today? Why should I care. It's not like I like him or anything. He is too gay for me, him and his friends. I think he caught me staring this morning though..
We had a test in algebra today.. but even god knows I'm horrible at math. I didn't bother doing the work. I just stared at... him. The way he writes and how his hair looks so soft. I wish I could see his real face.. not even to make fun of him. Just to know how he looks for real, underneath the disguise. I bet he's handsome either way.

"PHELPS" I snap back to reality "EYES ON YOUR OWN PAPER MISTER" I don't say anything, just blush and go back to my work. I can feel him looking at me. I realized why I zoned out and internally punish myself for those thoughts. Did I really think that? That's fucking gay. I'm not a homosexual. And even if I was my dad would kill me. Just the thought of how 'perfect' sal is makes me want to beat the shit out of him.
"Everyone turn in your papers now" shit. I barely got to page two. I turn in the page and hurriedly leave the class to avoid the teacher. I see sal outside his locker with Ashley or whatever her name is. What a bunch of homos. I should go over there mess with them.

"Hey fags." I say approaching them
"What do you want Travis" sal says
"Awe do you not enjoy my company faggot" I spit in his face
"Leave us alone Travis." Ashley says
"shut up bitch I wasn't talking to you."
She stands there suprised.
"You kiss your daddy with that mout-?"

I punched him right in the face and ran off.
I'm sure it hurt me more than him. But no one talks about my dad. I run off to the bathroom. I splash water in my face and look at the reflection.
Why the HELL did you do that Travis? That's not helping anything.
I groan, I fucked up. I fill up with anger and internally punch myself
"You know Travis if you want to get close to him maybe you should stop being a huge ass?" I say to myself in the mirror. The bell rings, I head to my next class.

OK SO A BIT OF HOMO TRAVIS, I swear im gonna start adding in some actual nice interactions soon okay hope you like this chapter-Sam


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