7. Tutoring.

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In math today the teacher called me up to her desk. 'Uh oh' I thought to myself. But she also brang sal up aswell.

"Mr. Phelps, as I'm sure you know you're doing really bad in my class" Mr.Phelps is my dad. I am not my dad... she goes on.

"And if Sally here agrees, I think that you two should work together and sal can help you with my class. Basically like a tutor" I look at sal, I don't need a tutor. But maybe it'll be okay because it's him.

"Yeah, fine by me. If you want you can come over to my house after school today." Sal responses. His house?
"Perfect!" The teacher says. Right. Perfect


After I place my bags down I walk to the living.
"Hey mom, I was wondering if I could go over to a classmates house to study math?" She just looked at me and shrugged "sure, be back before 10"
"Well I'm not leaving rig-" she ignored me and went back to watching TV.

I went back to my room and lay on my bed. On my side dresser next to my bed my phone buzzes. It's sal. When I first got his number I texted him just a plain 'hi' so he would get my contact in his phone.

Sal💙- hey! When do u wanna meet up
Sal💙- ya know for tutoring and stuff🥸
Me- Uh, anytime I guess. Today okay?
Sal💙- fine by me bro wanna meet at 4
Me- Sure, but I don't know where you live.
Sal💙- oh duhh😑 I live in Addison apartments room 402 bro👍👍
Me- Okay

I change into some grey sweat pants because they're more comfterable. It's 3:00 right now so I should leave around 3:40. I hate waiting.

Sneaky time skip >;)

I grab my bag and head out to my front door. I know where Addison apartments is, mainly because it's so big and trashy. As I approach the building I take a deep breath. I enter, it's alright but its definitely not the 3 stars it has on yelp. I bet those are fake reviews.

I walk up to Sals apartment and knock on the door. Sal opens the door.
"Hey! Come in sorry it's kinda messy" he gives me a nervous smile. His apartment is small and dingy. But it's strangely comforting and warm. I could stay here forever.


Sally face

I hear a knock on my door, it must be Travis.
As I open the door I see a messy looking Travis in some grey sweats and his usual sweater. Cute, I MEAN-

"Hey! Come in sorry it's kinda messy" he politely walks in, examining my apartment.
We sit down on my crusty ass couch and gizmo comes up and rubs against him. He puts his hands up as the cat brushes against him. He must not have any animals at home or something, he looks so awkward. He carefully pets the cat and gizmo meows. He gives a small smile now that he's more comfortable.

As I get my school stuff from my room and sit back down on the couch, Travis doesn't stop looking at me. I look back and, I can't believe I've never notice this before, but all of his facial features are perfect. Despite the bruises, he has pretty caramel eyes and soft lips.

"So uhm. Math?" I Spurt out.
"Right! Math" he blushes a little. I ask him what he needs help with and he reply's
"uh ehe.. everything?" Right then.. let's start

About half way through the study session my prosthetic starts to get really uncomfortable. I wonder how he would react if I just took it off.
"Hey, uh I'll be right back" he nods and I walk over to my bathroom. Taking my prosthetic off and looking at myself in the mirror. I take a deep breath and walk back out to the living room.

Travis is petting gizmo, his glare meets mine. As I sit down he mumbles something but I'm not quiet sure what it was. I start to get back to the work, but Travis lifts my face to look at me again. I blush, he must've realized what he did because he let go and apologized.
"Uh, I-I think you look cool.. by the way" he randomly says.
"Really?" I say a lil shocked
"Yeah.. you look really.. handsome" he only whispers the last part. But it was loud enough to hear. I smile and get us back to our work.

"Hey sal."
"I'm sorry but I need to get home. Thank you for helping me study"
"Awe so soon?" It's only 9:30
"Yeah. Thanks though I'll see you Monday"
"I can walk you hom-"
"No! No, that's okay" he says faster than I could speak.
"You sure, can I at least walk you out of the building?" He agrees.

As we are leaving, Larry pops out of the elevator.
"Travis?.. sal?" He looks at me in confusion
"Oh hey Larry! Travis and I were studying for math" I reply
"You're Great at math.. sal"
"Right, I know, but what I mean is I was helping Travis with his math" I explain
"I was just leaving. Actually" Travis says giving Larry a look. He gets into the elevator and waves me a goodbye.

EHEHE I hope you liked this chapter!!!


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