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"I'm ready and waiting for my massage, sweetheart."

"I..." my eyes dart towards my chocolate-stuffed belly. It's the size of a beach ball, and weights my body down like a bag of sand. "I don't think I can give you a massage in this state. Hell, I doubt I can get up."

"Ah, so that's how it is," she says, pretending to be offended. "I give you the best night of your life, and then you don't even give me the massage you promised." She shakes her head. "Shameful, just shameful."

"Well... it's really your fault for giving me all those chocolates."

"I didn't expect you to eat them all in one go!"

"You shouldn't have underestimated me then," I say as I slap my fat belly. Its contents start bubbling and gurgling audibly, as if to emphasize my point. What catches me by surprise is that the sounds don't stop. The opposite, actually, they start growing in intensity until Belinda shoots me a look of concern.

"Is that normal...?" she asks, pointing to my belly hesitantly, her voice almost drowned out by the ominous noises I can't stop producing.

"No it's nOOOOOOOOOUUURRRRP" an enormous belch cuts me off. Its sheer strength makes the mound of fat that is my stomach shake like jelly during an earthquake. Belinda wrinkles her face, closing her eyes and shutting her mouth, her hair waves like a flag behind her. "I'm so sorry, I- UUUURP" my stomach burps out another involuntary wave of gas on my teacher's face. Then another, and another. They are consistent in their intensity and taste, and Belinda, trapped beneath me, can do nothing but sit there and take it. I want to stop, I really do, but the gas keeps coming, and I need to release it. Small bites of half-digested chocolate shoot out of my mouth with every belch, some landing on my belly, others on my tits, and others, unfortunately, on Belinda's face.

By the time my stomach is free of all its gas, a whole minute must've passed. I'm frozen in shame as my teacher tries to fan the burp fumes away from her face, which is still stained with chocolate.

"I'm so so so so so so so sorry!" I whimper, my hands covering my mouth.

"God in heaven, Olivia!" Belinda complains. "You've got to mind your manners!"

"I'm sorry," I repeat. "I'm disgusting."

"Stop saying that, sweetheart," she groans, rolling her eyes. "Some people just have problems holding that in, but that is no reason to call yourself disgusting. It's not like you did it on purpose."

"The fact I just burped in your face is gross. It doesn't matter if it was on purpose or not."

"Everyone burps and farts and does all kinds of disgusting stuff, sweetheart."

"Well, I've never seen you do those kinds of things. Or any of the other girls in the class, for that matter."

Suddenly, my teacher removes her lap from beneath my head, letting it fall on the sofa. "Ouch! What the-?"

Once I recompose myself, the scene has changed completely. Belinda stands on all fours on top of me, her chest pressed against mine. I feel both our heartbeats rise in intensity as her face gets close to mine. She licks her lips, preparing herself for the imminent kiss. Why does that sound so good? Why do I feel it's more erotic than when she sucked my nipples?

No idea, to be honest, but I welcome her lips with an open mouth.

Then, without warning. "BWOOOOOOORP" a burp hits me straight in the face. I wrinkle my nose and close my eyes as Belinda's mouth releases the acrid stench of her afternoon meal. The bitterness of coffee and the fruity sweetness of jam mix together in an invisible cloud of stink that forces its way into my nostrils.

Olivia's Strange WeekWhere stories live. Discover now