Last Stand

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"Slow her!" Belinda screams, pointing her finger at Emily. Every woman in the auditorium jumps to tackle her, but she advances anyways. "Damn it," Belinda says, as she sees how despite it all, she can't stop Emily.

"You got careless," I mock her. "You should've drunk my mana when you had the chance."

Belinda turns towards me. Her face of terror is replaced by one of realization. She cups her breasts, squeezes her nipples- I turn away from the spray of milk. She's desperate now. She knows I won't give her anything voluntarily, so her only option is to control my mind. But I won't let her, my mouth is shut, and it's not going to open. None of this stops Belinda from trying, her milk hits my face like the spray of a shower.

"Come on, bitch, open your mouth," she tells me, but I ignore her. The spray suddenly stops, and I open my eyes to see her putting a hand on my belly, which sinks deep into my fat. Emily, meanwhile, is still crossing the barrier of women, though she is much closer now. The slaves she pushes away always get up and return to the fray.

I'm distracted by an enormous weight on my stomach. It's Belinda, she sits on my belly like it's the most comfortable cushion. Those hands of hers grab my face, holding it with strength, so I can't turn away. She opens her mouth, and that long, wet tongue rolls out.

Seems she's going for the plan B.

Belinda leans in and that tongue of hers starts licking my lips. It twists and thrusts, trying to force its way into my mouth. She draws it back to speak, "Open up, you-"

I take my chance. When she sat on my belly, her immense weight shifted the contents of my stomach, it triggered a chain reaction that made its way up my torso, and now, I have no reason to hold it back.

"BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUOOOOOOOO-" my belch hits her open mouth with full force. All the food I've eaten, all the meat and vegetables and desserts and juices that have been mixing and stewing inside of me escape from my mouth, taking the form of a nauseous gust paired with a thunderous sound that echoes in Belinda's maw and travels down her esophagus and to her stomach. My hands grab her mouth and keep it open, making sure she swallows every last hint of my eructation. I feel the pressure in my stomach recede as I continue burping. She tries to hit me, to force my hands out of her mouth, but I don't let go. It lasts ten seconds, then twenty, and Belinda suffers through all of it. "-OOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUURRRRRRPPPPP."

I sigh in complete relief. That was the single best burp I've ever had. Belinda collapses, she falls sideways and lands with her back on the floor. Her belly is bigger than a minute ago, probably a result of all the gas that I put in. Her expression is priceless, a mix of shock and utter hatred she is unequipped to act upon.

I rub my belly, it did an amazing job today, a prize is well deserved. Another hand joins in the massage. My eyes follow it to the woman, and I smile. Emily's body is large with muscles, and coated in a bright sheen of sweat. Her hair is a mess, and those clothes of hers are torn and dirty as a result of the fight. Her strength is such that she can ignore the dozens of women pulling at her.

"Hi," she says. a few droplets start leaking through my nipples.

"Hi," I respond, blushing.

Emily's hands cup my breasts as she sits on top of me, in a similar position to Belinda. "May I?" she asks, her mouth close enough her breath hits my nipples.

"Fuck yes!"

Her lips close around my nipple. With the first suction of her mouth, I start gushing. She fills her mouth with my milk and swallows, repeating the process again and again. Suck, swallow, suck, swallow. Nothing around us matters, not the girls trying to separate us, nor Belinda shouting orders. There is only her and me now. She switches from one breast to the other, and I can't stop moaning. My belly slowly shrinks, while hers grows rapidly.

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