Trapped by the Devil

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From the van, I was led into an abandoned-looking building. Inside that building, Belinda's entourage drags my nude body up a few floors and into a dark room, despite my struggles. They finally push me into a bed, a big one, by the feel of it, and for a second I think there may be a way to escape, but my limbs are quickly pinned down by the small army of slaves.

"You should stop that pointless struggle, sweetheart," Belinda's voice tells me. I feel the bed shift as she stands on it, her weight sinking slightly into the mattress. The flame of a candle partially reveals her body, it's completely free of clothing, same as mine. Her crotch is obscured by the shadows her large thighs cast, and the milk leaking from those nipples shines with the candlelight. "You would enjoy this more, that way."

"Go to hell," I tell her, looking away. As I do, I find the girls, some standing straight, some others kneeled down to grab at my limbs, one of them holding the candle, all staring expressionless, all of them without even underwear. A chill goes down my spine, and finding myself without a place to avert my eyes, I decide to close them shut.

"Do those girls make you uncomfortable?"

I don't answer. Her body embraces mine, the warmth she gives off contrasting with the cold the tubs of ice cream gave me. I try to push her away, but the grip on my limbs is too strong, I can't move. "They won't do anything more than watch. There's nothing to worry about." Her hot breath touches my neck with every word she speaks. I can feel her pelvis going back and forth, rubbing itself on my thigh, leaving a wet trail on it. I force myself not to dwell on it, because dwelling on it means giving her my mana, giving her what she wants, and I refuse to let that happen. My resolve is tested when that long tongue of hers licks my face, covering it with her sticky saliva. My heart is a drum inside my chest, and Belinda giggles as she takes notice. That slithering tongue travels down my neck, then my collar, and finally, my chest. I let out an involuntary moan as my nipples are licked by the hungry snake.

This kind of situation has quickly led me to orgasm in the last few days. The fact I've just been practicing self-control gives me a little bit of confidence, but I'm very well aware of the fact I'll start leaking eventually. I need to do something. I need to do something now.

"Help!" I scream. "Heeee-" I shut my mouth as I feel Belinda moving. She shoves her nipple against my closed lips, and milk starts gushing out. It flows past my face and accumulates in the form of a small puddle on the mattress. Damn bitch, she was trying to get me to open my mouth. I can't speak, I can't move, I can't do anything but hope that somebody will have heard me and is on their way here.

"Come on, sweetheart," she tells me. "You'll love it, I'm sure. Just open that hungry mouth of yours." I remain still, non-reactive. "What? Not even a crude insult?" she asks mockingly. "I'll have to do this another way then."

She switches position, and my heart sinks. My thigh, the one she'd spent the last few minutes rubbing herself against, is left behind, soaked in a puddle of her fluids. Her nude crotch touches mine. "Mmm!" I let out a sharp, closed mouth-moan. I feel my nipples are about to spit milk, and I quickly force them to stop. Had I taken a second more, Belinda would've gotten my mana. Still, the situation looks everything but good. She starts rubbing her pelvis against mine, and every time we make contact my body twists in pleasure.

"You could be enjoying this," Belinda moans. "Just let go."

I have to resist. I spent a whole hour mastering how to control myself, but this... this is too much. If my attention slips for a second and my nipples start leaking, then all is over. Belinda would be able to control people far easier, and thus, me. And if I open my mouth to moan, or to call for help, then she can feed me her milk, control me, and get the mana all the same. I have to prevent both for god knows how long before help comes. If help comes, that is.

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