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It's a Saturday afternoon, the sun hangs over the sky, on its way to setting. Belinda Adelle has only a few hours to comply with her student's demands. They asked her to stop spying on them, they asked her to let go of all her pets, and they asked her to give up her position at Carlotta Bridge. She has done none of those things and has no intention of doing so.

She walks through the streets of Forhill, thermos in hand, swaying her hips like a supermodel would. She wears a white blouse with short sleeves and a pair of dark jeans, clothing that makes her curves stand out. She's perfectly aware of the glances she receives from men and teens alike, of how their cocks get hard as masts at the sight of her, of how they cream their pants every time she accidentally touches one of them. She sees it every day on her way to work, on her way back home, and every time she has a meeting with the parents of one of her students. It is an annoyance, a horrible thorn in her side. She has no interest in those men, nor in those teens, but their wives, girlfriends, sisters, mothers, and daughters are another story. Like Christmas presents, she wants to unwrap them from those clothes and play with them all day.

Her pussy brims with expectation as she walks to Carmiña Bed & Breakfast. It is a place for people passing through Forhill to take a rest from their long journeys, so they can resume them the next day. It is, in essence, a place for those who are only planning to stay for a day or two. According to her pets, a person she's very excited to meet is staying there.

The building is made of stone, arranged in a way to look old, but the fancy metal door, painted with bright red, does a disservice to that aesthetic. Belinda lets herself in. The interior of the building has even more contrast than the exterior. Floors, walls, and ceilings of rock, with fully functional lightbulbs illuminating the parts where sunlight doesn't reach. Security cameras spy her from hidden spots, but she knows all of their locations already, the sneakier of her girls has found them all this morning. There were cameras in the entrance, the dining room, the hallways on the upper floors, and the kitchen. None in the rooms, however, and that is what matters, at the end of the day.

The main hall has some leather armchairs, further contrasting with the rock from the rest of the place. A red carpet decorates the floor, and on the right wall, there is the reception desk. Behind it there sits a girl that makes Belinda want to touch herself. She's black, and her long hair is tied into a thin ponytail. She wears a red uniform jacket with short sleeves and dark buttons arranged in a line that starts at her neck and travels down her chest. Some bags under the receptionist's eyes spoil her beauty, but Belinda is not picky. She approaches the girl before she can even call her.

"Welcome to Carmiña Bed & Breakfast, miss!" the receptionist says, bowing her head slightly. She starts typing some things on her computer. "Do you want to book a room? Right now-"

"Oh sweetheart," she says, bringing a hand to her cheek. "You look so tired, have you been sleeping well?"

"Uhm..." The employee takes those beautiful eyes of hers away from the screen and gives Belinda a nervous look. Nobody in the whole day has noticed that little imperfection, and if they have, they were too polite to point it out. Now she feels self-aware. Her boss probably tells her to always look presentable in front of the clients, but despite her efforts, she's still human, and can still get tired. "I'm so sorry miss, I-"

"Oh, don't be sorry!" Belinda tells her. She removes the cup from the top of her thermos, and pours a little of the milk coffee inside. She offers the cup to the woman. "Have a drink, sweetheart. It'll wake you right up."

The receptionist seems to consider it for a moment, then accepts the coffee. She drinks it like it's the only thing she's had all day. Belinda can't help but feel a tingle between her legs with every gulp she hears. It's something else, to see a woman drinking her milk and being completely unaware of it.

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