Feeling of Doubt

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I found out where my reunion with Mrs. Adelle would be through a small folded-up paper. It was inserted between the pages of the notebook I'd left behind at my desk. The paper reads 'Room 15. Go alone' in that elegant handwriting I've come to associate with my teacher. I ask around, but nobody saw her enter the auditorium after our departure to the bathroom.

"That means some of our classmates are under her control," Emily says.

"Or she just asked for a favor."

"That's too optimistic on your part."

I ignore Emily's following insults aimed at Belinda and wait for Mrs. Robertson's class to end. Fortunately, there were no more leaking accidents, though the front of my shirt and bra remain soaked, sticking uncomfortably to my chest due to the humidity.

Once the class ends, Emily and I join the swarm trying to escape the auditorium. Her popularity as a threat proves to be useful, since the girls back away at the sight of us, making our leave that much smoother. Followed closely by Emily, I make my way towards room 15.

Mrs. Adelle chose this place carefully. Classroom 15 is on the furthest end of a hallway in the second floor, nobody but those assisting the class would be around, making this the perfect place for a private reunion.

Emily separates herself from me, hiding in the now empty classroom 13. I walk the remaining ten meters alone, each step feeling heavier than the last. I sense an ominous aura as I approach my destination, like I'm walking to the waiting maw of a wild beast and its humid breath is hitting me.

My heart hammers as I reach out to turn the knob. The door opens with a sharp screech and I let myself in. Classroom 15 is a small one, meant to contain half the students of a normal classroom. Chairs with integrated desks have been moved to the sides, cluttering the walls. A window lets a bit of sunlight on the other end of the room, where the teacher's desk lays.

Mrs. Adelle is sitting on top of that desk, legs crossed. With the way the light hits her from behind, she's little more than a silhouette. A tall, big-chested, and wide-hipped silhouette.

"Hi, sweetheart," she greets me with that silky voice. Those legs of hers part open, and she gives light slaps to her meaty thighs. "Want a seat?"

"I'm okay with standing," I answer, despite my temptation.

"Alright," Belinda crosses her legs again, returning to that imperious posture from before. "We hadn't had the chance to talk since-"

"Since you shot Emily?" I cut in. The words hurt my throat as I force them to come out.

My teacher's shoulders drop as she sighs. "That's a bad look, isn't it?"

"A bad look!?" I hiss. "A bad look is me eating a whole chicken and burping for ten seconds straight. You fucking shot a girl."

"If you let me explain just a little bit, then I'm sure you'll..."

"You're sure I'll understand? Excuse my rudeness, because that doesn't sound likely."

"Will you deny me the chance?" Belinda asks, without a hint of frustration in her voice. Just pure, soothing calmness. It makes me hard for me to refuse her.

"Explain yourself," I try to sound threatening, I doubt it has the desired effect.

My teacher takes a deep breath, sounding like this is the last conversation she wanted to have. "I assume Emily has told you some... things."

"Yes. About magic, mana, and the kind of stuff you do."

"I bet she had pretty strong things to say about me."

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