The Plan

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"Oh! If it isn't my favorite client!" Jenny says as I enter the Milky Way. It is a small ice cream shop, the whole place where clients are supposed to take their orders is about half as big as the living room slash kitchen of my apartment, and that's saying something. The cold air of the AC makes me shiver. The floors are covered in square white tiles, and the walls painted in a light grey. Some colorful signs advertising numerous ice-cream products make the inside of the shop slightly less dull. Jenny herself doesn't dress with much more color. The standard Milky Way uniform consists of a plain grey shirt with blue from the shoulders to the sleeves, and a galaxy logo on the chest. Her copper hair is tied into a bun, and those tiny freckles give her face a homely charm that makes her look really pretty. I considered asking her out one time, but the week after, when I was going to buy my weekly tub, I found her aggressively making out with what I assume was her boyfriend. After that, I figured a relationship between us wouldn't happen. "You didn't come yesterday for your weekly ration, what happened?"

"Hi, Jenny! Sorry about that," I greet her with a smile. Milky Way isn't known for having the greatest flavors, but boy are their prices cheap. One gallon tub costs a measly 7 dollars, and if I hold back enough, it can last for a whole week before I need to buy the next one. How they manage to stay on business is a complete mystery. "I haven't had the time to come here. But I tell you what, to compensate, I'm buying two tubs tonight."

Jenny gleams at the suggestion. "Perfect, Olivia!" she says. "By the way, how did the exams go? Last time you came you said you were nervous about them."

I chuckle. After these last few days, a small exam seemed so unimportant. Still, if there was an opportunity to boast, why not use it? "I got a ten."

"Great!" Jenny says, clapping her hands lightly. "Coming to congratulate yourself, then?"

"That's one reason, yes."

"And the other reason?"

"A secret," I say with a mocking little smile.

"You're keeping info from your favorite ice cream girl? Shameful, Olivia, shameful!"

"Sorry, but my lips are sealed."

"Have it your way then, miss!" Jenny sounds almost truly offended. Even if her indignation was genuine, I would never explain my reasons. And she should be thankful for that. What would be her reaction if she heard I was trying to see how much milk came out of my tits after having this ice cream? Nothing good, I imagine.

Soon enough, her fake anger fades, "It's not my job to pry in your stuff, though. So don't worry we're still friends."

"Thank god," I say. "Who will give me free toppings otherwise?"

"Probably the next idiot stuck in this dump," Jenny laughs. "By the way, just this morning we got a few new flavors-"

I raise my hand, signaling her to stop. "Nope, don't tell me," I say. "Make it a surprise."

Another bright smile splits her face in half. "Coming right up! Turn around so you don't see!"

"Good idea!" As I turn around, I reach into my pocket. From it, I pull two bills, one of five-dollar one and a ten-dollar one. When I go out, it's usually just to buy food, and I prefer to take just the right amount of cash from my wallet and leave the rest at home.

After a minute, Jenny slams two white tubs on the counter before saying, "That'll just be fourteen, Olive."

I hand over the two bills, then say, "I know it's not much, but keep the change."

"Money's money, Olivia," Jenny shrugs, then takes the two bills and puts them in the cash register. "I'm not going to refuse."

"Enjoy your dollar then," I tell her as I'm turning towards the door. The two tubs of ice cream join a large dark glass bottle in my shopping bag. Should've brought two, to balance the weight. "Good night!" I say, the strap of the bag digging in my fingers.

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