Full Stomach

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Food enters my mouth in an endless stream of flavor. My mind is not focused on the sensations I feel on my tongue, though, but on the mechanical act of shoving food in my maw and sending it to my belly in a single swallow. Only rarely, with the largest foods, do I need to chew. All the rest falls into my stomach in one piece, accumulating into an enormous pile of food inside me.

It has been thirty minutes, and I'm barely about to finish the first table. The pressure I feel is unbearable, but that doesn't stop me from eating. I snatch the last item away from its plate, one slice of strawberry cake, and shove it inside my waiting mouth. No frosting escapes from my lips as I munch on the delicious dessert, before gulping the resulting paste and adding it to the stew mixing inside me.

Once it joins everything I've eaten, my stomach's contents shift, like if they'd been over the edge for some time now and it was the strawberry cake that gave the last, decisive push.

The pressure in my belly travels up, and I don't resist. I let it ascend towards my esophagus, and I even encourage it by hitting my chest.


Every person in the auditorium turns towards me, towards the source of the thunderous belch that echoes inside the room. Their eyes are wide, like they still don't believe what they just heard. I've always tried to hold myself back while in public, but what would be the point now? These women have already seen me naked, they've already seen me gorging on all these meals. What difference does a simple burp make?

"BAAAAAAAAAUUUUURRRPP" I belch again, in front of all their faces, not because I need the extra relief, just to prove the fact I don't care if they see me like this.

"Look at you," Belinda comments, from my right. When I turn to look at her, I realize how big I've gotten. We're almost the same size now. My belly extends past my thighs like one enormous flesh pillow. "One table down, six left."

"I don't think I can..." I take a deep breath, my belly and chest rising a few centimeters, then falling back to their initial positions, "I don't think I can finish it all. I'm too full."

"Nonsense," Belinda claims. "With those two burps, you must've made a lot of space. Keep eating."

My eyes glance over all the meals I'm obligated to have. If after emptying just one table, I'm almost as big as Belinda... how big will I be after six more? I feel overwhelmed just thinking about it, and more sorry for the girl acting as my seat. I check on her, her arms aren't even shaking. Hopefully, it means she's alright.

"This..." I turn back towards Belinda, taking another deep breath, "This is just to give you more mana, right?"

"Of course," she answers. "I managed to take control of all these girls and more with what you gave me, but sadly, I'm empty now," she rubs her enormous, bloated stomach, where my milk is still digesting.

"You don't seem empty," I tell her.

"These are emergency reserves!" she slaps that fat belly, making it slosh audibly. "I can't just use them! UUURRRPPP!"

Her whole body rattles with the force of the belch. It still takes me aback how casually she burps. Back when she gave me classes, back when I saw her and fantasized all day, I never imagined she could be capable of passing such gas. Then again, I never imagined she'd be a mind-controlling whore that wanted to bloat herself with my breastmilk. Guess she's just full of surprises.

"Can't I give you some mana now?" I ask. "I always feel less full after I do it. I could give you some every time I finished a table, that way-"

"Nope!" Belinda tells me, all too pleased with herself. "Not a single drop comes out of your tits until the tables are all empty. Understood?"

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