way to make an entrance

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Maddie slipped off her shoes and nimbly slipped into the building, careful to avoid making any loud noises as she shut the door behind her and crept forward. She padded down the corridor keeping her gaze focused on the floor in front of her as she made her way to her room not wanting to put a light on and risk alerting anyone to her presence. She was about three quarters of the way there when suddenly a force knocked her backwards, sending her flying into the wall. Maddie barely had time to register what was happening before an arm was pinning her to the wall and the light flicked on.

"what the hell Barnes!" she grumbled as she realised what had happened.

The second the words left her mouth the arm retracted and the stern face in front of her softened into an apologetic smile.

"sorry Mad, I didn't realise who it was"

He took a step back and allowed her to push herself off the wall. Maddie stepped forward and glanced up at him.

"it's okay, I didn't mean to scare you" she smirked

"I wasn't scared" he said defensively, "just wasn't expecting anyone else to be around, that's all"

She chuckled at his response and stepped round him to enter the kitchen where Bucky had appeared from. Bucky followed behind her, watching her curiously as she rummaged in the cupboards and grabbed a glass.

"what?" she asked, feeling his eyes on her.

"nothing, I'm just curious as to what you're doing in the kitchen at 3am"

Maddie paused, taking a sip of her water before pulling herself up to sit on the counter.

"I could ask you the same question metal man"

He rolled his eyes. "you know I hate that nickname"

She grinned, "you know that's why I use it"

Bucky wandered over to where Maddie was perched on the counter, leaning back against the wall opposite her.

"you never answered my question"

She sighed. "I was out" she started, gesturing at her outfit, "lost track of time which is why I was sneaking around in the corridor before you so rudely stopped me"

"I said I was sorry"

She nodded taking another sip, "so why are you hanging out in the kitchen at 3am?" she questioned.

Now it was Bucky's turn to sigh. His reason for being awake was less harmless than being late back from a night out.

"I had a nightmare" he admitted quietly

Maddie carefully placed her drink down and hopped off the counter walking towards Bucky with a soft look in her eyes.

"are you okay?" she asked. Maddie had dealt with Bucky's nightmares before - he frequently woke her up at night with his screaming as they shared a floor in the compound and she could often hear his pain from his room across the hall. She knew how much his dreams affected him and although he tried to look tough Maddie could sense the hurt behind his eyes.

"come here" she said, reaching up on her toes to wrap her arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a tight hug. Bucky softened under her touch and leaned into the hug, welcoming the warmth from her tiny body as his mind still reeled from the distorted memories that had featured in tonight's nightmare.

They stayed that way for several minutes, neither wanting to be the first to let go until a yawn from Maddie reminded Bucky that it was early and she needed rest. He gently pulled back and smiled down at her.

"you need to go to sleep"
Maddie nodded, "yeah I should get some rest before tomorrow. Tony won't be happy if he finds out I missed curfew and then slept through training"

She poured the rest of her water into the sink and rinsed the glass before turning back to Bucky.

"you need to sleep too, you might be a super soldier but you're still human" she reminded him.

Bucky nodded, accepting she was right but dreading the thought of closing his eyes to another nightmare. As if reading his mind, Maddie nudged his arm, "you gonna be alright by yourself or do you want me to stay?" Bucky stood silent for a second fiddling with the hem of his shirt "can I stay with you tonight?" he finally spoke. Maddie nodded, picking up her shoes in one hand and pulling him along with the other. "no snoring though, I need my beauty sleep"


Maddie led Bucky to her door and dropped his hand as she fiddled with the handle. After winning her battle against the stubborn doorknob she pushed the door open and headed inside, Bucky following close behind. Maddie's room was littered with stuff, books overflowing from the shelves, trinkets precariously balanced on the dresser, photos of her and the team plastered everywhere. She wasn't messy but she was most definitely not a minimalist, she loved her stuff and she didn't mind the clutter. Flicking the light on and dumping her shoes on the floor Maddie headed towards the bathroom pulling a pair of pyjamas from her drawer as she went.

"I'm just gonna get changed" she tossed over her shoulder to Bucky who still stood in the doorway, "make yourself at home, I'll only be a second"

Bucky nodded although Maddie was already through the door and in the bathroom and he walked further into the room, shutting the door behind him and sitting down on the bed. He removed his shoes and placed them neatly at the foot of the bed and then stretched out, resting his back on the headboard.

Maddie appeared from the bathroom, now dressed in grey pyjama shorts and an old t-shirt that was way too big for her. This elicited a small chuckle from Bucky and Maddie glared at him as she took off her jewelry.

"don't laugh at me, I'll kick you out and send you back to your own room"

Bucky stopped and smiled at her as she walked over to the bed, "thank you for letting me stay" he said sincerely, moving his legs so she could manoeuvre herself under the duvet.

Maddie rolled onto her side looking up at Bucky as she wiggled under the covers to get herself comfortable. "of course" she said, "I wouldn't leave you alone"

Bucky glanced at the small girl lying beside him, grateful more than ever that he had found himself such a good friend and he sank lower onto the mattress allowing his head to fall onto the pillow. "goodnight Maddie" he almost whispered.

"goodnight metal man" came the response.

Living Nightmare ~ (Bucky Barnes) COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now