history II

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The jet landed and the girl felt the now familiar arms wrap around her as she was once again lifted into Bucky's arms and carried into the compound. Slowly she began to properly wake up as she started to take in her surroundings. Bucky carried her down a pale grey corridor and through a door before placing her down on a bed in the infirmary. The girl saw two more men follow in and vaguely remembered Bucky introducing them as Tony and Bruce. One of the men smiled down at her, Bruce, she thought, still fairly out of it from the pain meds she had been given.

"hey kid," the man began, "those meds will be wearing off soon so I need to check the extent of your injuries before I can determine if you'll need another dose"

Bucky watched her carefully as she nodded and softly cleared her throat.

"I think I've sprained my ankle" she croaked

Bruce nodded and asked permission to examine her before getting to work. Tony offered her a glass of water and she took it gingerly, not used to her needs being considered. After downing the entire glass she managed to speak a bit clearer.

"thank you" she said sincerely, "for the water and for getting me out" she turned to Bucky as she said that and he smiled.

Bruce finished wrapping her ankle, confirming that it was indeed sprained and moved on with his examination. He concluded that she was extremely dehydrated, probably concussed and had two broken ribs, a fractured wrist and several deep lacerations across her body. Bruce stitched her up and gave her some more painkillers while Tony hooked her up to an IV drip. Her eyes widened at the sight of the needle and Bucky held her hand as Tony quickly pushed it into her arm.

"I can't do much about the bruising except give you painkillers but apart from that I've done the best I can" Bruce finally said, "you'll need to stay here for a few nights, at least until you're rehydrated and you'll need crutches for a few weeks"

The girl nodded and flashed a small smile as thanks for his care. As Bruce left, Natasha walked in now wearing regular clothes and the girl perked up slightly at the sight of someone somewhat familiar. Natasha walked over to her bed and smiled down at the girl.

"you look much better now" she said kindly

"Bruce fixed me up" the girl said

"yeah, now that's taken care of, I need you to answer a few questions for me" Tony stated matter-of-factly.

Bucky glanced up at Tony and back at the girl, feeling oddly protective of her and not wanting her to be forced into anything especially so soon. The girl didn't seem to notice though and waited quietly for the questions to begin.

"okay, so firstly, can you tell us what your name is?" The three looked at her, all waiting for the response.

"Maddie" came the quiet reply, "My name is Maddie Matthews"

Tony wrote this down and looked back at her, "right, Maddie, what do you remember about when you were taken?"


After answering all of Tony's questions, Maddie was left in the infirmary. Tony, Natasha and Bucky joined the others in the lounge and Tony began filling in the rest of the team on what Maddie had just told them.

"the girl is Maddie, Maddie Matthews, 21 years old, originally from Brooklyn, New York. She was taken roughly 6 months ago while she was on vacation, she doesn't know why and she couldn't tell us anything about the other girls."

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