-Reader POV- On the walk to school
"Omg it's one of the (L/N)'s" A news reporter said while walking up to me.
"Um do you need something?" I asked irritated.
"How does it feel living in a family full of celebritys?" She asked while on live TV.
I should have known she wanted to know about my 'family'.
"It's so fun!" I lied
"What are you going to be?" she asked
"I'm not sure." I said nervously
"How about a billionare like your parents? Or a dancer like your sister, Or a athlete like your bro-" I cut her off walking away.
"Kids these days are so ungreatful." she mumbled under her breath.
It's always about my family the whloe contery knows thier name. I'm a diffrent story not even half of the city knows my name, They just know I'm related to them. By the end of this week I need to have picked a perfesionel carrer and it's stressing me out bigtime.
"Finally I'm here." I mumbled. "(Y/N)!" A girl much taller than me yelled. I hugged her.
"Damn you got tall Kate." "I'm only 5,5." replied Kate. "Wow, that just makes me feel short." I said faking to be offended.
"Your only 5,0 and your 16." Kate said while staring at me. I sighed. "Ok I'm short" We laughed till the bell rang.
"Bye (Y/N)! Make sure you meet me after school by the fountain." She sounded upset to leave. "Alright, bye"
-After school-
I've been waiting for her for twenty minutes, where is she? I pulled out my phone and started looking at her Instagram. Wait, there's one from 5 minutes ago.
I open the picture only to see that she's hangng out with my sister. Wow. Lexi your my sister but, I'm honestly not surprized. There's a ton of comments I guess I'll read em'.
I opened the first one.I can't belive you fooled her.
To bad money can't buy a brain.
I saw one from Kate herself
I'm going to interduse you girls to her tommrow. Just tell her were childhood friends. Then we all can hang with Lexi.
If you want a game then you get a game, you better get ready.-At home-
"(Y/N) come downstairs please." a woman said. "But mom-" She cut me off. "No buts get down here!" I groaned, walking down the stairs.
"Ace this is my daughter (Y/N)" Why in the world did mom just bring a random man here! I was brought out of thought when the man named Ace shook my hand.
"It's a plesure to meet you miss (Y/N)" The man said kissing my hand. "You to" I said aggatated. "Ace is here because your father and are sending you to a camp to hopefully make you stop dressing so inappropriately" My mother said annoyed at me. "What do you mean 'inappropriately' I'm wearing clothes?" I asked
"You look like a boy and I will NOT tollarate this behavior any longer!" she snaped at me.
"Now go grab you belongings. Your leaving in a few." My mom said still angry at me.
"What about school?" I asked "I'm pulling you out until you can get your act together. If this behavior does not clear up your disowned. Do you understand me?"
"Yes ma'am" I said while looking at the floor. "Good. Now go pack your things your leaving in 10 minutes." I nodded and ran upstairs locking my door.
-After gathering my belongings-
I sigh, Here goes nothing. I open the door walking down the stairs and out the front door.
I look up at the rusted car it looks to be maybe 20 years old. Opening the door I sit down and start to dose of during the longgg drive home.
"Miss we're here." Said the man. I stood up and followed Ace inside a modern building. This is going to suck.
"Macy would you show (Y/N) to her room." And with that Ace walked down the hall and I was greeted by macy.
"Alright this is your bedroom, you'll be sharing with Nessa and if there is any homo bessness you will be punished. I'll come in later to give you the times of the activites." She said. Just because I'm a tomboy does not mean I'm lesbian.-Time skip- Two weeks after arriving.
The girls here are nice, The workers not so much. Macy makes me wear heals and dresses, Ace teaches me what woman 'should' do.
I'm fed up with this. I'm going to find a way out of here even if it hurts me.-Time skip- Two months.
I've been planing to escape for a couple months now and I finnaly have a plan. I'm going to put it into action before lights out.
I have also saved scraps of food for the run because I have no idea how long it will take to find shelter.
Ace walked in and spoke "Girls lights go out in 5."

Jeff the killer x female reader (DISCONTINUED)
Hayran Kurgu16 year old Y/N's family are famous around the whole contery. You find out your friend was only using you for fame. Your mother sends you to camp hoping that you will stop dressing like a 'boy'. If you do not pass camp my parents will disown you. W...