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That was a great nap I just had. I definitely deserved it. I woke up, absolutely confused. I couldn't remember whether seeing those guys was a dream or for real. I quickly remembered the reason why I came back to my cabin to take a nap in the first place. It wasn't a dream. They were definitely here.

I take my phone out to see what time it is. Half past 7 pm!? Where has the time gone? I got in this cabin at around three! I'm surprised my family didn't bother to check up on me or wake me. Feeling a sense of anxiety, I quickly jump out of bed and head to the washroom to freshen up before I leave. I decide to take my hair out of my messy bun and leave it down. As I'm doing this, I hear a buzz from my phone.

"Dana! Get yourself upstairs and bring your guitar with you! It's fairly quiet and it's a perfect time to do a little performance!" I read the text message my dad sent me and put down my phone.

Okay. I guess I could do that. It'll be nice to play some music for strangers that are walking by. My phone buzzes again.

"Oh and also, don't forget to dress nice. We are going to dinner soon! It's at a fancy cruise restaurant and it's all free! How exciting!" I laugh to myself at the message from my dad and reply with a simple "ok".

After plugging in my curling wand, I choose a pair of high waisted jeans and a full sleeve, soft golden top. It has a low cut back and I think it's very beautiful yet comfy. It's definitely my style. I give myself soft curls towards the bottoms of my medium length hair. Before leaving, I grab my guitar and pull on a pair of Oxford wedges I bought before the trip.

Taking the stairs instead of the elevator was a bad idea this time, since I was hauling my guitar in my wedges I could barely walk in. Luckily, it's only one flight of stairs.

I enter the main deck. It's absolutely beautiful outside at the moment. The sun has almost gone down completely. The ocean is very quiet and still. There are fairy lights surrounding the entire deck and very faint jazz music playing in the background. There are quite a few people roaming the deck at this time. No parties, just people walking around with their loved ones and talking amongst themselves. I walk my way around the deck until I see my family. I walk towards them with my guitar straddled to my back.

"You can go play right beside that open basketball court upstairs! Many people walk by and sit around at that area." Dad suggests as I look up to examine the area. The ship has two floors on the main deck. It's all completely open. You could go to second floor, find a beach chair, lie on it, and watch the stars for hours. I nodd to my dad and head up the stairs.

There are a few people in the basketball court from what I can see through the large fence surrounding it. I pull up a chair and sit by the fence. Unzipping my guitar case, I take out my guitar and quickly tune it. As I tune my guitar, I look at my surroundings to see people leering and giving me weird looks. Yea. I'm playing my guitar on a cruise ship. The world goes on. Get over it. I begin to play and sing to one of my favourite songs, "Free Fallin", I enjoy the version that John Mayer sang at the Nokia Theatre.

"She's a good girl, loves her mama
Loves Jesus, and America too
She's a good girl, crazy bout Elvis
Loves horses and her boyfriend too..."

People would stop walking and talking to sit around me and listen to me as I passionately sang the lyrics. As I would smile, I would bring my head up to look around me. Still singing, I turned my attention to the basketball court, where I saw four, sweaty, shirtless guys who had stopped mid game to watch me perform. If I'm not mistaking...that was Shawn, Matt and the Jacks, that were staring at me very concentrated. I felt a sudden knot in my stomach. Why was I beginning to feel nervous? They are just guys. My voice was on the verge of choking. I couldn't allow that to happen. If I wanted to make a good first impression on those guys...on Shawn, I couldn't choke. I had to perform my best. Continuing to perform for the building crowd around me, I follow my peripheral vision to see Shawn pulling out his phone and walking towards the fence that separates us. He was filming me and saying something to camera that I couldn't hear. This had been the longest three minute performance.

I strum my last chord and finish my song off my with a new riff I had been practicing. At this point, it felt like all the passengers on the ship had come out to watch me. It was a surreal moment. I smile wide and stay sitting with my guitar as all the people around me, applaud and praise. I turn to my right to see if the boys were still there. Shawn had a big smile on his face and clapped along with the crowd. Did I just impress Shawn Mendes? Why am I making that such a big deal? He's just a boy who happens to have the whole world in love with him.

As the crowd died down and continued on with their night, I greeted a few people who had come up to say that I did great and that I should sing more often on the ship. I thank them and make small conversation while taking small glances at Shawn, still in the basketball court.

Everyone had left the upper deck and had headed down to get drinks and chatter. I stayed upstairs and strummed a little more on my guitar. That wasn't the only reason why I decided to stay upstairs. I sat directly across from the basketball court, so I could watch the boys finish up their game. It might sound awfully creepy, but if anyone was put in my position of watching fit, shirtless, handsome, boys running around, they would stay too.

I watch them through my peripheral vision as they high five eachother and say "good game" . They all began to exit the court and walk in my direction. I'm not looking directly at them but rather down at my guitar as I play it. My palms begin to sweat and my heart races a little faster than it should. Why am I so freaking nervous? I have to stop this. I see a shadow and I feel a presence hover above me.

"Hey! I just wanted to say that your cover of Free Fallin' was insane. I'm still you're insanely talented." I look up quickly to see Shawn Mendes speaking to me. He's shirtless and glowing. I don't think I even heard half of what he said due to the fact that I was staring right into his eyes. I knew enough to thank him for whatever he said to me.

"Thank you! Yea I've been listening to this song non-stop. It's just a really beautiful song and I don't... I don't know. I just like it a lot I guess?" I say, stammering. I don't even know what I just said. This is terrible.

"What's your name?" He quickly asks back.

"Oh, I'm Dana! And you're Shawn! No introduction needed." I fire back rather quickly. Did I just tell him what his name was? Oh my goodness. I'm so stupid.

"Yes I am! Alright well I'm gonna go take a shower. I can meet up with you after if you're still around this area?" He says with a chuckle. I'm sure he's laughing at my insanity.

"Of course! Yea! I'll be here...waiting!" I say with an almost genuine smile. That sounded so dumb. I sound so desperate. I have to stop.

"Okay! I'll see you in a few Dana!" Shawn says as he turns his back to me and lazily jogs towards the doors.

Did ALL of that just happen? I just met Shawn Mendes, shirtless and sweaty. I'm living the dream of every fangirl on this planet. Why do I feel so giddy and starstruck. I feel like a complete hypocrite for judging those girls this afternoon. To be completely honest, I felt the same way they all felt....wait...Shawn wants to hang out with me after his shower? My brain is very laggy and slow at processing words today. This is ludicrous! Do I even look good right now? Do I smell nice? Right now, my body is experiencing the types of heat flashes that women undergoing menopause would go through. Well, I just met Shawn Mendes...and I don't think he's forgotten about me yet. I think I feel accomplished?

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