Chapter 1

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No one's POV

Tommy is a 15 year old kid. His dad and two brothers are the top 3 heroes. All he ever dreamed of was to also become a hero just like them. But there was one problem tough, he didn't have powers. And the rules decided that you aren't allowed to be a hero without powers. This made Tommy actually pissed. But he came on an idea. He decided to become a vigilante. Sure it will be dangerous and illegal, and he'll be dead if his family found out. He uses the gadgets his best friend  Tubbo makes for him and uses the advise his other best friend Ranboo gives him, they are also powerless and understand him. Would anything go wrong tough?

Tommy POV

"TOMMYY, BREAKFAST IS READY!" I heard my dad scream to wake me up. I groan and get out of bed. I put on a red hoodie and blue jeans. 

"Good morning, mate" Dad said as he sees me walking downstairs. "Good morning" I say back annoyed that I just had to wake up. "I made eggs with beacon by the way, want some? He asks and I nod. I sit at the breakfast table and am met with Wilbur and Techno. "Morning, Gremlin." Wilbur said. "Oi don't call me a fucking gremlin!" I replied back. "Okay then, child." He said with a grin on his face and I just scoffed as response. "A 'good morning' would be nice y'know BlAdE" I mockingly said to Techno. He chuckled and said good morning. 

"Sooo, can I go to Tubbo and Ranboo's after breakfast?" I asked Phil while eating my bacon and eggs. "Hmm, okay. But make sure to stay safe and call us if something happens." He seriously but caringly said. "Yea, yea." I just replied wich made him sigh dramatically.

"We are also going on patrol later so take the keys with you in case you want to go home earlier." Phil said. I wish I could go on patrol too. Well I am going on patrol but not legally. I just nod and say my goodbyes to everyone before I leave the house. 

I walk to Tubbo and Ranboo's. Their not very rich but also not really poor and live in a cheap kind of house. Their kind of just orphans and live alone there. 

I ring the bell and am met with a short brunette standing in front of me. "Hey, Toms! Come in!" The smaller said and I got in, a smile crossing my face. I greet Ranboo and we all got together to our little like 'hero' room. Well, only I do the vigilante work they just help me. "Okay here are your gadgets and ur costume." 

Right, Tubbo and Ranboo offerd to keep my stuff here because I wouldn't be able to hide everything in my house, there where pro heroes living there for gods sake! The costume is really just a short sleeved red baseball shirt with black ripped jeans, bandages kinda covering my arms where I sometimes hide gadgets under, raccoon ears and a raccoon tail, and as last a black mask. I found the clothing cool and it hid my identity enough. 

"Okay put ur costume and gadgets on. Don't forget the chip so you can contact me if you need help or if your in trouble!" The bee lover said. I nod and got changed. "Good luck, Tommy!" Ranboo says. "I don't need ur luck bitchboy, I am amazing and no villian could go against me!" I say. He just chuckled and a smile crosses my face. Man I really loved my best friends. (Plantonicccc💙💙)

I ran upon rooftops, I didn't know they where going on patrol now. Well I guessed wrong and they where chasing me, how dumb can they be?! Why can't they just go chase after a villian or something? 

"Just give yourself over, Raccoon." Techno or 'ThE BlAdE' said. "Hah, never bitch!" I just scream back at him. 

I was at the last rooftop and they where cornering me now. A grin just crosses my face as I saluted and jumped off of the rooftop. I activate one of my gadgets and slowly fall to the ground. As soon as my feet hit the ground I ran back to Tubbo and Ranboo's house. I groan at the fact that I couldn't stop more crimes today but at least I stopped 2 store robberies. Gave me some fucked up wounds tough, a few bleeding scars and multiple bruises. Worse than the wound mY oWn fAmIlY gave me. But they don't know it's Tommy they hurted. They tought it was Raccoon they hurted.

I get back to the house and my friends looked at me. "Woah big T, that are some nasty scars u got there. How are you gonna hide that from ur family?" The small brunette said. "Don't know Tubs, I think I'll just put some bandages over the open scars and put some tape and concealer on the bandages that are on visible places. I responded. "Smart thinking, aluminum" Ranboo said. "Thanks boob boy" I say slightly chuckling after. "It's Ranboo, Tommy." The way too tall enderman lover said but also chuckled after. I got changed, took a shower and took care of the wounds. I fall asleep on their sofa while watching a movie of exhaustion and wake up only to see the time.

8:00 pm

Fuck, I am 3 hours late. Under the hour I saw multiple missed calls and my panic rises. Just when I was about to call them my battery died. "Sorry Tubs, sorry Boo, gotta go home!" I said before running out of the door. 

I encountered a criminal tough. "Hey kid, what are you doing out so late?" The man asked me. I was kinda panicking. Sure, I may be a vigilante. But without my gadgets I was just a powerless teen. "I-I don't h-have anything" I said stuttering trying to sound confident, ugh I looked weak. "Don't lie to me kid, I'm warning you, you'll regret it." He threateningly said. I decide I should make a run for it but I get pulled back and a knife was now pointed right at my neck. "I told you, you're gonna regret it kid." 

I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting to see how horrific my death scene would look like. But instead of getting a painfull dead I suddenly feel the man's grip letting go. I open my eyes in confusion to see what's happening and see the man on the ground with his head bleeding, I saw Techno in his hero costume standing in front of the man looking angry. 

His angry look suddenly turned into concern as he runs up to me and say. "Tommy are you okay?" "I'm fine, Tech." I responded while he searched for any possible wounds but didn't find any. Phew, I knew hiding the scars and bruises extra good would do something, because otherwise I would be in big problems.. Man, today was exhausting.

-1179 words

My biggest secret (Tommy Vigilante AU) (SBI focused)Where stories live. Discover now