Chapter 2

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Tommy POV

"Now. Explain why you didn't come home or answer our calls." Tech said sternly. "Oh yeah about that, I was watching a movie with Ranboo and Tubbo and we all fell asleep, my phone also died." I said calmly. Well it's not fully a lie at least.

When we got home, Techno mostly just being an overprotective arse the whole time, we where met with Phil and Wilbur. "Tommy where was you?! We where so worried!!" Phil said emmidianlty when we got home and I gave the same answer as I gave Techno before. "Okay, I guess I can see this trough this once, but Tommy just please remember it's not safe out there so late and especially for someone without powers." Phil said.

I was really annoyed with this, he always thinks I'm weak because I don't have powers or something, he maybe doesn't say it but I knew he tought so. 

I just flipped him off and went to my room. This was actually a pretty good hour to go on patrol. Just gotta sneak out tough. I called Tubbo silently and asked if I could come over to go on patrol. He gladly agreed and I hung up. Now I just gotta dress in all black to be less noticable and sneak out. Before I did that I got downstairs and told everyone I would go to bed early so they would not come in.

I was on patrol once again and sat on a rooftop, I helped people and stopped crimes, I sadly couldn't fight villians tough, the gadgets weren't strong enough for that. Then it kicked in. Dad said they would also go on patrol tonight when I came to tell I would go to sleep. I was to focused to actually think of what he was saying. 

I'm sure they won't exactly be here, right? No, they probably are too focused at stopping crimes and shit. That's what heroes are supposed to do.

Well sadly I wasn't so lucky because when I turned around I saw them standing there, I really couldn't afford another fight so I just jumped of the rooftop. But I sprained my ankle. I quickly used my camouflage gadget wich only works for a while but it makes me go invisible. I wanted to scream in pain but I knew I had to be quiet. Silent tears where now running from my eyes but I knew I had to stay strong. I was a vigilante for God's sake!

I saw them jump off of the rooftop and search around the area where I was for a bit. A while later they left the area and for what I assume they are gonna be looking for me in other areas to. I grabbed my mic and turned it on "Tubbo! Tubbo!" I say. "Holy shit calm down- what is it?" He aks me. "I sprained my fucking leg Tubbo, I'm in really much pain right now and it hurts awfully bad when I walk on it." I said. "Oh, shit. Uhm- hold on, Toms! We'll be right there, okay?" The bee loving brunette said. "Okay." I reply back.

Tubbo and Ranboo soon arrived and took me back to their place. 

"What the fuck am I supposed to do now?" I say kinda annoyed while holding the ice up my ankle. "Sorry bossman, can't help ya with that one." Tubbo said. "Maybe try to like, hide it or say that u sprained ur ankle because u fell from the stairs or something?" Ranboo continued. Oh God was I lucky to have him. "Trying to hide it should work, hopefully. Their heroes, they would know in an instant if I came up with a lie of why my ankle was sprained." I replied. He just nodded and said I shouldn't forget to take care of it untill it got better. I was happy that he cared so much. I suddenly get snapped out of my thought as I just remembered it's fucking 2:00AM. 

"I need to go home now tough, before they would maybe already be back from patrol and notice that I'm gone." I said quickly before saying my goodbyes and leaving. I fastly ran to my house to prevent almost getting stabbed by a criminal again and getting in trouble. Even tough my it makes the pain worse.

I changed into my pajamas and went to bed. Not caring about the bruises that I got as the prize of stopping crimes. I'll take care of them in the morning.

I woke up an hour earlier before dad would normally wake me up so I could make me ready without them suspecting anything. As first I took a shower and then put a red longsleeved baseball tee on with black baggy ripped jeans. I took my concealer and dipped it on the bruises I got last night. As lastly I hold a sack of ice on my ankle so I could at least stand right up without tearing up out of pain. After what feels like hours I finally get called downstairs for breakfast.

I get downstairs trying to walk as normal as possible so they wouldn't suspect anything. It hurts like hell tough. "Morning, bitches!" I loudly said and flopped on the chair. "What a nice way to say good morning, gremlin." I heard Techno say. I just stuck my tongue out and rolled my eyes.

"Morning Tommy, I made waffles as breakfast." Phil said. I looked down at the table and saw some poofy waffles with whipped cream on a plate right in front of me. I looked over at Wil's pancakes. What the fuck?! He had fluffy waffles with chocolate sauce on it, that's my favorite! Why would dad give him these?? I just stole the pancakes and put them on my plate. "Wha- Wow, I guess you really are a raccoon." I heard Wilbur say with a grin saying the last part. I just flipped him off and ate the waffles. 

"Raccoon, reminds me off that vigilante." Tech said. I gave him a confused glance in order to get more information out of them. This could come handy.

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My biggest secret (Tommy Vigilante AU) (SBI focused)Where stories live. Discover now