Chapter 10

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Tommy POV

After the movie was done Phil said he wanted to look If they gave me any wounds. "Phil- I already said they didn't hurt me!" I said while he was still trying to look for any wounds. After my attempt of trying to get him of off me my shirt moved a bit from place revealing tons of burn marks and bruises. Oh my God, Tommy-" Phil tried to say but he stopped. 

I was quick to say. "N-not all the wounds are form them tough, don't worry! Some are just from.." I stopped my sentence not wanting to upset the man in front of me even more. But Phil already knew what I was gonna say and said my sentence in a quiet sad tone."From when we hurt you.." 

You could see he was really upset about it, who wouldn't? 

"Dad, I already said it's fine, you just did your job and didn't know Raccoon was me or a minor." I tried to comfort him. "Yeah I know Toms, I just still feel a bit bad.." He said looking away. I hugged him and he just smiled. "Your the best son i could wish for, mate." Dad responded with a smile. "I know." I said and we both started laughing.

"Hey, Tommy!" Techno excitingly said barging in the kitchen ruining the father and son bonding me and Phil where having. "What's wrong Tech? You don't usually show that much emotion." I said confused. "I found a way for you to get powers!" He said holding up a really old book. "W-wha- no, your joking, right?" I say in disbelief. "Nope! Here, it says. 'If a powerless person wants to get powers they have to go to the Goddess Of Powers Hill',  And look! Here's the route!" Techno said pointing at the map. 

"O-Oh my G-God!" I say in pure shock and I could feel waterfalls streaming trough my eyes. My biggest dream, it could finally be fulfilled. My biggest secret was exposed but I could get to my dream now! I kept crying tears of joy and got too emotional for my liking. But hey, everyone cries sometimes. Even big man Tommyinnit, and he never cries!

"Oh, mate. I never tough to see you get this emotional" Phil said patting my back. "I-I'm not fucking emotional!" I said still crying. Phil and Techno just chuckled. "Hey, guys what's going- oh my God, is Tommy okay?" Wilbur said walking in and rushing over to us. "Yeah Wil, he's just getting a bit emotional" Phil said in a reassuring tone.

"Why's that?" The musician asked. "Well, I told him that I found a way for him to get powers." Techno responded. "Oh my God, that's amazing man!" Wilbur screamed. "Thanks Wil" I said whipping the tears off my face.

"So, when are we going?" Tech asked. "I don't know, do you guys want to go now?" Phil asked. "Yes, yes, yes of course! I mean- Yes, now is fine." I said embarrassed at my enthusiasm. They all just giggled and they went to put on their hero costumes, you never know if it was needed or not. When they did that we went on our adventure to the Goddess Of Powers Hill. I can actually get why powerles people never really thought of this. First, it was literally in a damn 1.524.000 year old book. Second, it took almost a hour to get there, wich is wayyyyy to much of course! Third, not all people want powers. 

After what feels like years we finally got there. Taking a quick breather before going up to a good looking castle sort of thing. We knocked on the door and a scan came. A minute after the scan the door got opened. We where met with three, taller, really powerful looking women. The first one had red hair and a white circle on her head, she also had white eyes. The second one had blue hair and also a white circle on her head, and she had white eyes, and the third one had green hair and a white circle her head, she also had white eyes like the other 2. They where all wearning the same white dress and where all dark brown skinned.

"Hello, how can we help you?" The red haired one said. "Well, my son here is powerless and we heard you could give him powers." Philza formally said. "Ah, you three are the top 3 heroes, innit?" The blue one asked. They 3 all nodded. "I'm sure your son here is trustworthy. Wouldn't want the villians to take over when you guys retire or something happens." The green haired said. My eyes widened and a big smile came crossing my face. "W-wait, really?!" I said schockingky. 

Yes of course, darling! You are trustworthy and will grow up to be an awesome hero for sure!" The green haired said once again. I could feel a small tear drop from my face. I quickly whipped it as the Blue haired lady asked me who's power I wanted. "You'll only be able to get a small part of their power so choose carefully! The person you choose the power from will still keep it tough, don't worry!" She added on. 

I looked at the three, I've always adored Phil's wings. They where so beautiful, dark grey and soft. I've always wanted wings like him. "I would like The Crow Father's wings if that's okay?" I asked the lady. "Of course dear! If The Crow Father's okay with that we can begin." The lady said with a big smile. Phil nodded at me and said. "Wow Toms, I never knew you liked my wings that much" With a smile. "I-I don't old man, I just quickly chose one" I said visibly lying but tending to hide it. Phil just chuckled and pat my back.  

Okay. Tommy I'll need you to close your eyes, and remember this can hurt a bit." The lady said putting her hand on mine and Dad's shoulder "ኗጎሀቿፕዘጎነጕጎዕየዐሠዒዪነ" She said and I could feel immune pain stream trough my body. Tears came rushing out my eyes as I fall over from pain and pass out.

Philza POV

I heard the woman say some weird words holding both mine and Tommy's shoulder and then I could hear Tommy's screams and cries before he passed out. "Tommy!" Wilbur screamd catching Tommy before he fell. "What the fuck was that?" Techno screamed at the lady in anger. "Sorry dear, I said it would hurt." The blue haired lady said with a sad look. "Yes of course, sorry for my son's harsh words he was a bit panicked." I say looking at my two sad but now calmed sons. "Of course darling, you guys are all good to go now, he has baby wings now but they should get growing faster than normally. You'll need to help him train and such things tough!" The woman said before showing us the way out. "Okay, thank you miss! Goodbye!" I said while having Tommy on my back. I'll just fly home with him since I can see blood coming from his back.

Tommy POV

I woke up and felt dizzy for some reason. I saw bandages on my back but also saw grey baby wings. Then I remembered it, I got powers. I jump out of my bed and excitingly run around, bad option. I suddenly felt dizziness take over me again and fall to the ground. I heard my door slamming open and someone that sounds like Dad say. "Tommy, are you alright?!" I slowly get up and say. "Y-Yeah, just a bit dizzy.." Before almost falling again, but this time Techno cathed me and said. "Take it slow, kid. The dizziness is a side effect of getting your power and will be gone in a few hours. Take some rest in the mean time. 

So that's what I did. When I woke up I didn't feel dizzy any more and emidiantley called Tubbo and Ranboo. "Guys! Guys! Guess what!" I scream through the phone loudly. "What's up Toms?" Ranboo said. "I just got fucking wings!" I screamed excitingly. "What- how the fuck did you get wings?" Tubbo said. I explained them everything and they where very happy for me. When I hung up I heard dad come in my room.

"Hey Tommy, how are you feeling?" Dadza said. "I feel a lot better, thanks dad!" I say with a big smile. "The power has also changed your personality I see." Phil joked. "Hey! I'm always fucking nice, old man!" I scream at him. "Mhmmm, yep" The older responded in a hum. "Anyways, if you want your power to grow and become a hero in the future we'll have to train you untill you can go to a hero school to get your license." Phil said to me. My smile got wider and I said. "Let's begin the training then."

And that's exactly what we did. I did my best everyday at training and my wings eventually got bigger. The bullies finally fucked off, not only because I had a power now but yeah, you also know why. I also secretly jumped of buildings very often to try my diving skills. I would get lectured by Phil tough when he caught me but it was not that bad. After 2 years I got my hero license because I was so good because of all the early training. So I also became the youngest hero of the country since your normally only allowed to become a hero at 18 as the youngest. But for me they made an exception. I also became the number 4 hero and became a part of the SBI. Everyone knew I was a part of their family now and I finally succeed my dream, I fought villians and criminals, legally now. I was a hero, everything I ever wanted to be.

The end.

-1721 words


Heyyyyy, author here. Sorry if the chapted seemed rushed or bad. I personally think I did kinda rush it but I still hope you liked the ending! I'll be working on another book now, yes another book💙💙💙💙💙 Tha k you guys for reading and supporting my book and I hope you enjoyed it!!

"My blue hearts will forever be plantonic💙💙" -Bluee

My biggest secret (Tommy Vigilante AU) (SBI focused)Where stories live. Discover now