Chapter 9

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Tommy POV

"Hey guys..." I say a bit upset of course. "What's up, big man? You sound a bit under the weather." Tubbo emidiantley said after. "Well-" I try to say before getting interrupted. "Your family took your vigilante privileges away?" He said. "HOW THE FUCK DID YOU KNOW?!" I screamed in confusion. "Well, that would most likely happen if your dad and brothers are the top 3 heroes." He responded. "Oh- Yeah- Of course, I knew that. I'm not stupid, boob man!" I screamed a bit embarrassed at the fact I didn't know such an obvious thing. "Yeah, sureee" he just said laughing. "So how'd the talk go, bossman?" Tubbo asked. 

"Pretty good actually, they where way more nice than I expected, I tought they would scream and yell at me for a second." I said quietly chuckling after. "Tommy.. Their not like them, okay?" Ranboo said. "Yeah I know.. Just... reflexes..." I say at the other end of the call. "I'm gonna go to the park now tough, any of you up to come?" I said trying to change the subject. "Ah, sorry Big T, we actually have other plans today. Maybe another time tough?" Tubbo responded. "Yeah don't worry, have fun!" I said before hanging up. I can surely go to the park alone, what's the worse that could happen?

Author's POV aka best POV ever

You may be wondering now. Author, why the fuck do you keep making the characters say 'them' and not explaining us. Well my dear readers, I will explain that to you now..

You see, Phil, Techno and Wilbur aren't Tommy's biological family. Phil adopted all 3 of the kids. Techno and Wilbur didn't really have it do bad before because Phil emidiantley adopted them when they where 2 years old after 2 weeks in an orphanage. Tommy however. His parents died when he was 10, he got trough 17 abusive foster homes. Each home getting more and more abusive. That was before Phil decided to foster Tommy. 

Tommy tought they where gonna be like all the other homes. But this family was nothing like that. And he realized that after 3 weeks, after he got adopted he also fully realized they weren't like them at all. He isn't exactly fully covered from his past but tends to ignore it and look into the future more. He also still gets the thoughts of his own family hurting him tough, sometimes. What can I say? Sometimes trauma never fully goes away.. And the bullies aren't also exactly helping him fully recover from it.

Tommy POV

I put my shoes on and grab my phone before I leave my house. It wasn't hard to recognize my house tough since it was a literal mansion, it was also the biggest house in my area. I mean, that's logical if your 3 family members are the top 3 heroes. I walk to the park nearby and just chill there for about a hour. When I decided that I've been there long enough I get off the swings to leave. After a bit of walking I bump into some people, I look up to see who I bumped into and I emidiantley regret it. I saw all four of my bullies standing in front of me, oh shit. I look around for  anyone who could see it but no one else was in the park. I was fucking screwed.

"Hey Thomas, could you explain why the fuck you just bumped into us?" One of them said. "Does that twat even have to explain, I mean, hes just a fucking clumsy bitch." Jared said laughing. "But that doesn't mean we'll let him get away with it, does it?" Another one of them said. "No of course not Jake" The leader said. He turned to look at me and kneeled a bit down to my level but he was still higher then me. "How does a nice, painful beating sound, hm brat?" He said. I just gulped and closed my eyes wich where already pricking with little tears threatening to fall. I was waiting for bruises and burn marks to be covering my body along with a bleeding head. But then I heard a voice that made me panicked and happy at the same time.

"And what the fuck do you think your about to do, kid?" Wilbur said. The leader his head shot up and his eyes widened. "O-Oh nothing, pro hero Siren! We where just joking with our good old friend Tommy here!" He said. "Nice try kid, my little brother only has 2 friends and your not one of them. I can also visibly see that he's about to cry." Techno said. "L-Little.. brother..?" One of them said in shock. "Yes little brother, he's my son. Now scram." Phil said in a mad voice. "Y-yes of course sir!" The leader said before signaling them to go away.

"Need a hand?" Wilbur asked me before I noddingly accepted the offer. "Who the fuck where those kids and how long has this been going on?" Techno asked me. "I-it's fine guys, it's nothing!" I tried to convince them to not waste their time. "Tommy, that was obviously not nothing!" Wilbur screamed. I slightly flinched at it before running back home. Not soon after I also saw them arrive. "I-I'm sorry.." I say to them as they enter the living room. "Hey, hey. It's okay Toms" Wilbur said coming over to sit next to me and patting my back. "But why didn't you tell us earlier tough?" Phil said in a soft tone. "I-I just didn't want to bother you guys.." I quietly said. "Toms, you'll never bother us, okay?" Wilbur said and I quietly nodded before hugging him.

He gently hugged me back before saying "Your such a clingy gremlin child" "I'm not fucking clingy man!" I say angry. "Okay, then why aren't you letting me go?" He said in a playful (plantonic plantonic pls pls plantonic) tone. "I-I am!" I say embarrased before letting go emidiantley, looking a bit upset of the comfort leaving me. "Uuuugh, just come hug me zigzagoon child." Wilbur groaned before pulling me into a hug again. "So, movie?" Techno asks. We all agreed. (I now realize I was a bit touch-starved writing this😃👍)

"Soooo, what are we gonna watch?" Phil asked. Before anyone could answer I grabbed the remote and selected Hamilton. "Nonononono, we are not watching Hamilton again." Techno quickly said. "Too late bitch." I said and started the movie. I felt a pat on my back, it was Wilbur. "This is why your my favorite brother." He said. "What the fuck?" Techno shot up. A big ass grin formed on my face. "What can I say Techno, big man Tommyinnit is just everyone's favourite." I said with the same grin that was still formed on my face. "Okay, I take my words back. Techno, your my favorite brother." Wilbur said smirking while Techno just did the same. "Hey, what the fuck!" I said clearly annoyed. "Awww, is little Tommy jealous?" Wilbur mockingly said. I just flipped him of and we begon watching the movie.

-1192 Words

My biggest secret (Tommy Vigilante AU) (SBI focused)Where stories live. Discover now