Chapter 3

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Tommy POV

Techno seemed to notice my glance because he then said. "Yeah, that vigilante is annoying as hell." Uh, rude. I was amazing and cool! But I didn't roll my eyes or anything because they'd just be suspicious of me. "Yeah, why do you guys always keep chasing after him?" I asked. "How do you know we always chase after him?" Wil said. I shoot up. I tried to come up with a quick lie. "Uhm- Tubs told me." They gave me a suspicious look but just tried to shake it off. 

"Well we got the mission to capture that vigilante. So that's the only thing we have to focus on right now. The other heroes will fight the villains without us untill we finally captured that vigilante." Phil said. What the fuck? I wasn't even that popular. "Well we got an amazing plan tough. This plan will get the vigilante captured for sure." Techno said. I needed to know their plan then or I was screwed. "And what is that plan?" I asked trying to sound curious. 

"Well we all know Raccoon is almost always on the rooftops at night. When he sees us he always started running away jumping from rooftop to rooftop. After awhile he will just jump of the rooftop, so we will all make him go a specific way so he doesn't have a choice but jump of the rooftop that leads to an alley with a dead end. Then Phil will emidiantley gran us fly down so we can corner him and we have him captured." His oldest brother said. Perfect. Now I know that I can't go on the rooftops. "We also have something planned today, Toms." Phil said and I looked towards him and said "Tell me more." Giving him a curious look. 

"So, we planned on taking you to the HQ today since we know you love heroes." Phil said. I looked at him with wide eyes. "H-how?! I'm not even a hero!" I shockingly said. "Well, you're my son and we were the top 3 heroes. And I'm 100% sure that your not a vigilante or villian." Phil said while chuckling at the last part. I gave a nervous chuckle back, oh if only he knew...

I was both happy and panicky when I heard the news. I did love heroes yeah. Hell I even wanted to be one. But on the other side I was a vigilante. And I knew that there was this superhero called Syndicate. 

She had pink long hair, half down and half up in two buns. Her eyes where sky blue and her superpower was InfoTouch, she can find every single detail of information about someone just by touching their hands. Let's just hope that won't happen to me though, gotta make sure of that.

We go to the hero tower, Phil, Wilbur and Techno dressed in their hero costumes. On our whole my leg hurted like a bitch, stupid fucking sprained ankle. I got confused glances from them. But we also got confused glances by the people we walked by. Well you see, no one really knows that dad has 3 kids. They all think he only has 2 wich are Techno and Wilbur. Didn't really matter to me tough. It would mostly prevent people from finding out who I am when I'm on patrol or something, doesn't really make a big difference so I didn't really care if people did find out. But if everyone knew I bet my bullies would finally quit bullying me.

Yes, I get bullied at school. Most kids find me annoying and people saw that as a change to bully me. Of course I fight back but 4 vs 1 doesn't seem so fair to me. And maybe I fights criminals, yeah. But in school I don't have my gadgets, like I said, they stay at Tubbo and Ranboo's. The bullies also have powers and I don't. Thanks to that I got a few burn marks and other unpleasant stuff. They also go to school with me but they don't know I get bullied. I decided to keep it a secret from both them and my family. Didn't want to bother them, get them in trouble for something they where gonna do if they found out, or make them worried.

I got snapped out my thoughts as I see myself in front of the tall tower named 'The HQ'. We walked in and I looked in awe. Everything was nicely decorated. It was only the first floor and it was massive! It had a dark wooden floor and lots of bookshelves, sofa's and plants. There where also tons of heroes standing almost everywhere talking in smaller groups or doing something work-related. I felt a slight tap on my shoulder and I look up to see Wilbur. He tells me to follow them and I do so. Nerves going trough my body as i see that we are walking towards Syndicate. 

"Oh, hello! You must be Tommy, right?" She said in a sweet voice. I nodded and she took out her hand allowing me to shake it. I just bowed instead saying hello. She chuckled. "I see you know my power then?" She said. I nodded. "I have to admit, I admire you a bit." I say. A smile crosses her face. "Why didn't you want to touch her hands then? Got a big secret?" Wil said with a grin crossing his face. "Oh fuck you man I don't have any big secrets!" I lied. He just laughs after and I give a nervous chuckle. 

"Okay, let us show you around now." Phil said. I followed him and admired the whole place, and people. Everything was so amazing. Man, I wish that I could be an hero to..

After a long day of exploring and meeting the people there we got back home, also with a bunch of weird glances again. I think i also saw one of my bullies standing there with a big ass grin on his face at the time we went on our way to the HQ. Meh, probably just overthinking things. I also couldn't remember it anyways, after such a long day not atleast. I needed to get some rest before going on patrol tonight.

Whatt? I can't help it okay! Helping the city is just my passion! My ankle was almost healed now! Bedsides, all I have to do is not get on the rooftops. Simple, right? 

-1079 words

My biggest secret (Tommy Vigilante AU) (SBI focused)Where stories live. Discover now