Long Story.

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As I stood in Cardiff Central station,I couldn't be more excited! It has been at least six months since I had last saw my friends from my Youth Camp, and I'm going to see them all this week! I looked at myself in the window across the station. I was wearing my skinny jeans and a big black coat, which hid my curvy figure, thankfully! 

My denim converses were on my feet, as usual, and I had also gone with the black eyeliner because, well, you know girly stuff (I was moody this morning.) My long wavy hair had been getting on my nerves, so I had stuck it in a bun. Pieces of hair were still hanging down, I may not look very girly to be honest, but I really don't care.

 It's not like I had anyone to impress.. anymore. 

I sighed and began to let my mind wander, I felt like I really need my camp friends at the moment. One, because I really do miss them, but also because it's been about a month since my ex-boyfriend ,Brandon, had broken up with me, he was part of our group, but I've pretty much known him since I was born. But that's a different story.. 

They were all there at the beginning encouraging us to try and go out, even with the long distance, but now I've been trying to avoid talking about it at all with them. I mean, they all knew we were over, but not all the details. It was a very long story, plus I just hate telling it. But now it was time to face them, and I think it'll be good just to talk about it all with them, they are my best friends after all, and the boys are very close to Brandon anyway. I'm just glad he's not going to be there this week, I probably wouldn't have come if he was going to there..

I suddenly heard a cry from across the station, "KAAAATTHHHYY!!!", my mad, curly haired friend, Hannah,  screamed as she raced across the hall, and slammed right into me giving me the biggest hug! "Hannah!", I shouted back, "How you doing my lil' goat rider?" (Haha don't even bother asking, it's a long story!)

Hannah is a short, curly red haired girl, who loves food with passion. You'd never really see her without a packet of sweets, but I have no idea where she puts it all! She's stunning!! I think she just may be the loopiest girl I have ever met, she seems to have this random aim in life to ride a goat. 

We all have no idea where she got the idea from! But that's just our Hannah!

"Oi! I told you to stop calling me that Wilkins", she said as she slurred out my last name. Poking me, she said, "I am all the better to see you! I can't wait to see the others!! How about you?!" But before I could answer- "Right girls, here's your tickets", Hannah's Mum said to us as she walked over, "Kathy! How are you lovely?" She said giving me a hug.

"I'm good thanks Martha, how about you?"

 " Good, good thanks. Right you two better hurry up, or you'll miss the train!" Martha answered, as she shuffled us along to the platform entrance. "Right have a lovely time the both of you," she said as she gave us both a kiss on the head, "and behave!"

"Yes, yes Mum. See ya!", Hannah said quickly as she tried to dodge the kiss.

"Haha, we'll try to Martha."I said as she began to walk away," See you on next week!"

"BYYYEEE!", Hannah shouted, she turned to me, hooked her arm through mine and said "Right let us go girly!" We both giggled with excitement as we scanned our tickets to go onto the Platform. We walked along the platform, sat on a bench and waited for the train.

We're going off to Oxford, to Meg and Laura's. Like I said we hadn't seen everyone for months, we could have seen them last weekend for Rose's Baptism but there was a lot of snow and our parents just wouldn't let us go. It was very depressing, but made this visit all the more exciting! We were able to Skype them, which was very hilarious. I can't really explain into detail because it'll take too long, but there was a lot of " Can you see the bacon??!!" and chocolates being chucked at the screen! 

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