Sleep Talking.

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When we had all finished up and cleared away the rubbish, Laura suggested that we went upstairs and watched a film, being as it was getting late and we couldn't really do much else. So we all trudged upstairs and began our groups usual debate on what film to watch. We can never decide and usually end up changing the film over three times, but this evening we all agreed for once! Which was highly surprising..

We had picked the film Underworld to watch, which was one of my favourite films, so I was very happy! Apart from the seating arrangements. Which ended up with me being on the floor by Brandon's legs. This evening couldn't get any worse! That was until I remembered the last time I watched this film.. 

It was at my house.. with Brandon when we were dating. Great!

I wonder if he remembers that.

"I remember this film," Brandon bent down and whispered in my ear, " you certainly have good film taste, still, don't you?" 


He remembers.

I nodded shyly and smiled at him, I had to have been the one who suggested it.. The film had already started, so I turned my attention back to the screen and watched Selene shoot some werewolves.

About half way through the film. my back began to really ache because I was sitting up so straight. I was trying not to lean back, because that would mean leaning on Brandon's legs.. And I can't really do that. Man, my back really hurt, I tried to stretch a bit, but there wasn't much room.

"You know.." Brandon whispered in my ear, "it might be more comfortable if you leant back."

I shook my head and whispered back, "I'm fine."

He gave me that look, the I know what you're thinking look, "Kathy. It's fine, we're friends remember? Just lean back, you'll be more comfortable." 

That was the first time I had ever really heard him call us friends since we broke up. I had asked if we were over Facebook once and he said of course, but I had never actually heard it before. I look wearily at him and he smiled at me. I sighed and leaned back into his legs. 

Well it definitely was more comfortable, but I did receive a weird look from Rose who mouthed at me asking what I was doing. I mouthed back saying I would tell her later, she nodded and turned back to the screen. 


I tried not to think about how I leaning against my ex's legs as I continued to watch the film. It didn't work. All I could think of was, don't move, don't move, don't move. You are leaning against his legs. DO NOT MOVE!!!

I am so stupid.

I tried to just stay as still as possible and not move. Which ended up with me being sitting up straight and hardly leaning against him.

Here comes the pain.

I felt hands on my shoulder as they pulled me back against Brandon's legs, "Just relax," he whispered in my ear. I tried to then, he seemed fine with it, so I should as well. It worked. I relaxed and continued to watch the rest of the film. I leant back further into his legs and he shuffled to make me more comfortable.

I'd forgotten how tired I was, and felt my eye lids dropping slowly.

I'm crying, I can't stop. He just stands there, watching me, with no emotion on his face.

"Please-don't- do- this, "I say through my sobs.

He continues to stare at me, but then suddenly reaches out and wipes a tear from my face.

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