Good to see you.

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 The six of us were upstairs in Laura's room. Rhys, Mike and- and- BRANDON were downstairs.. I honestly didn't know what to do! They all knew he was coming and had plenty of time to tell me, so why didn't they? They knew how I would feel about it!

None of them would even look at me, this is ridiculous!

"We tried to Kathy but, well we just kept on getting interrupted!" Meg said to me. I gave her a look and she remained quiet. I felt bad afterward, but I only ever really remember her trying to tell me once. It all seemed like a very lame excuse to me.

But I'm certainly not planning to stay a whole week in the same house as the boy who had broken my heart!! I'm getting out of here and going home! I sighed and sat down on the floor.

"Laura where's your laptop? This is just silly, I'm going home!" 

Rose was the first one to say something, "No! Kathy you can't! We all haven't seen you in ages, I want to spend time with you!" She jumped up and pulled me up into a hug, "Please stay." She gave me one of her famous puppy faces, but I still wasn't convinced on staying.

 "I know Rose, but I sorry, I just can't.."

Becky piped up," Look Kathy, how do you think it's gonna seem to everyone if you leave? Your ex-boyfriend turns up and you just leave." She sighed and said, " That's not being strong at all, it's just trying to run away from the situation.." I felt hurt. Did she just say that I was just trying to run away from it all? I had to put up with weeks of being ignored by someone who I loved, someone who broke my heart in two. And now she expects me to stay and embrace him like nothing happened?

"You were going to have to face him sometime soon, and now this is the time when you have to," Hannah said to me, there was those sad eyes again.

Rose spoke to me before I could say anything, "Kathy, I think it'll be good for you. Just to see each other as friends, it will help to begin to heal what happened between you two."

I sighed and held back the tears, I guess they were right. It wouldn't seem good at all if I just left, plus I really wanted to spend time with the girls..

"Please just try Kathy, if it goes bad. I promise I will book you a ticket right out of here straight away," Laura promised me. She gave me that look, saying that everything was going to be fine. I sat back down and looked up at the five of them, they all smiled at me. 

How could I remain angry at these girls? They meant the world to me, it wasn't their fault!

"Okay then," I said slowly. "But if he acts cold shoulder to me, don't expect me to try! I'll ignore him if it's easier! And you all have to promise not to leave me alone with him. No matter what.." I said quickly, eyeing them all up. "Promise?" I asked.

They all nodded, smiling. 

"Thank you for staying Kathy, we've all missed you so much! The week will go fine, I promise," Meg said to me. 

 Man, she better be right!

"It'll be fine Kathy, trust me. I think Mike has already spoken to him," Becky answered.

I nodded, he better have. Although I might just have a little chat with Mike later, he defiantly didn't have any excuse to not tell me!

"Lets go downstairs I'm starving, " Hannah moaned. We all laughed.

"Of course you are.." Meg giggled. They all got up and started to walk out.

"You coming Kathy?" Rose asked.

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