Chlorine Bath.

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Hey! How you all doing? So here's the next chapter! I'm hopefully going to be uploading pretty much everyday, being as I have a very long summer with nothing to do! So enjoy and please vote and keep reading!

Much love x


"What do you mean cheat??!"

"I mean, you sir, is cheating to the moon and back!!"

"That's rubbish, prove it!"

"You've hidden some of your cards!!"

"No I haven't!"

"Yes you have!!!!"

Brandon is cheating at Black Jack, I know he is. He's such a bad liar, and I can see it in his face when he lies. I poke him in the chest, "I win this game."

"You most certainly do not!" he protested, poking me back in my chest. The others just sat there, watching us with amused looks. The game had come down to me and Brandon, and I was winning, but suddenly Brandon was. He had cheated, I know it.

"Is anyone going to back me up on this?" I asked, turning to look at the others. They all shake their heads, trying to hold back their laughs. I glare at them all, sigh, and turn back to Brandon, "Look Brandon we can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Which would you like? Show me the hidden cards, and you won't get hurt."

He smirks, and says "I haven't hidden any cards, you're just a sore loser."

"Am not!"

"Yes you are!"

"Shut up cheater." Before he could reply with some sarcastic remark, I jump forward and start to feel around his sleeves, pockets, anywhere he could of hidden those stupid cards. I got nothing.

"Brandon Phillips, you tell where you've hidden those cards, " I say, "Now."

"You can frisk me all you like Wilkins, but you'll never find any cards because Brandon Phillips does not cheat. He's just awesome at Black Jack, and you're not." I hear a few sniggers behind me, so I turn to face my so called friends, "come on guys, you saw him, he cheated!!"

"Nope, didn't see anything," said Mike, smirking, whilst looking behind me. I snap my head back, and look at Brandon who had seemed to mouthing something to them. I glare at him, and turn back,"Rose? Becky? You're going to back me up right?"

"Sorry Kathy, I didn't see anything either, " Rose said trying to hold back her laugh. Becky shook her head too, grinning. They all obviously find this highly amusing, but they don't know the whole story! When me and Brandon were dating, we both became highly competitive when playing cards, or any game at that matter. So you can see my reason behind it all, but he was known for cheating in our games in the past. So basically, this meant war.

I turn back to Brandon, an evil smile on my face, "right Brandon, I'm going to count to five. If you don't give me the cards within that time, you're dead meat.."

Brandon smirks, trying to hold back a laugh. Oh, you don't think I'm serious, okay then.

I stare at him and begin to count, "One." Brandon continues to sit there, his arms folded, staring back at me with a huge grin on his face.

"Two," I continue. I hear sniggers from behinds me, so I turn and poke my tongue out at my friends.


"Brandon, you might want to get ready to run mate," Rhys said from behind me. Brandon turned and winked at him, then turned back and continued to stare at me.

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