Butchered Pizza.

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been uploading, I didn't think anyone was really reading it! But I thought, who cares? Maybe others will come along! So read and enjoy! Much love x

I walked into the kitchen and found the girls gathered round the table eating a pizza. They were all laughing over something , but soon stopped when they saw the look on my face.

"What's wrong Kathy?" Rose asked sadly, "has something happened?"

"No, no. Nothing's wrong.. Oh Pizza!!!" I said, quickly changing the subject. Grabbing a slice, I slid into a chair and sat crossed legged.They all eyed me suspiciously but carried on talking. I remained silent and took a bite of my pizza. That was close, I really didn't want to tell them of my encounter with Brandon. I decided from then on, I wouldn't complain about Brandon or anything he did, it was my week with the girls and I didn't want to be depressed or bring anyone else down. They were my problems and the girls didn't have to carry them too.

"Ooh Pizza!!" Rhys shouted as the three boys walked into the kitchen. I turned to look at them and caught eye contact with Brandon, who was already looking at me, I turned back to my pizza and finished the slice off. Not daring to look anywhere. 

I'm not gonna be able to do this. I'm not gonna be able to do this.

Calm down Kathy!!!

I watch Laura and Rhys as he walks over to her. "Yeah, help yourself to our pizza," Laura teased, looking at Rhys as he took a slice.

"Don't mind if I do," he replied, winking at her. She laughed and pulled out a chair for him to sit down in next to her. Oh there is so something going on between them.. I can feel it. I giggled to myself, which caused me a weird look from everyone.

"What are you giggling at over there Wilkins?" Mike asked me, grinning. He knew what was going on there too, thank goodness! Now I'm not the only one! I grinned at him, but remembering I was annoyed with him, turned it into a scowl. He looked taken aback, turned away and walked over and sat down in a seat next to Hannah.

Yeah that's right, walk away Mike! I laugh at myself, what am I turning into? Some kind of psycho who talks to herself?

"Yeah, what are you laughing at Kathy?" Laura asked. I smiled at her, oh she knows very well what I'm laughing at and she knew it. I'm so having a talk with her later! How come I was the only one who realised it?

I looked up and saw Brandon standing next to me awkwardly, what's he doing?


Of course there'd be only one seat left, and it would be next to me wouldn't it? I sighed and looked up at him. He looked at me questionably and I gave him a reassuring smile. I don't mind, if he doesn't mind.

Sure you don't..

 He smiled back, sat down next to me, but not before he grabbed a slice of pizza off my plate.

"OI!" I shouted, laughing. I slapped him on the hand, and gave him an evil glare. He winked at me, sat back and bit into the pizza. I rolled my eyes at him and laughed. He smirked, grabbed a coke and popped it open. 

What am I doing?

 The idiot, same as usual I see. He always used to nick my food, I'd do the same (but that's a different matter), it was a bit of a game for us. I smirked back, quickly grabbed the coke from him, took a long, big slurp from it, placed it back down and burped in his face.

I am such an Idiot.

Ha! He always got annoyed when I did that!  He stared at me and began to laugh, loudly, causing everyone to turn around and look at us. I thought he'd stop, but he continued in his little giggling fit, which made everyone look at me questionably. I shrugged my shoulders at them, as if I didn't know what he was laughing at, hoping none of them saw our little exchange. They all turned back to what they were doing without a second thought. I sighed a sigh of relief and looked at Brandon. I think he had realised what we had just done because he has stopped laughing and wouldn't even look at me.


Yup back to the normal awkwardness between us. That's how it should be I suppose, we shouldn't do the stuff we did when we were a couple. It just seems too weird, and not to mention painful.

Us doing that brought back so many happy memories that my heart sank, and I remembered what he had. Where I was and what was going on. He's my ex. We are no longer dating. 

So why did he go back to our old game? 

I suddenly heard a load beep come from the kitchen, I jumped.

"Oh! That's more pizza," said Meg getting up.

"I'll get it!" I shouted, shooting up from my seat. Any way to get away from him, we shouldn't have done that. It was something that couples did..

 Meg gave me a puzzled look, but sat back down. I was closer anyway.

I got out of my seat and slid past Brandon's. 

I walked over to the oven, put on the oven gloves and pulled out the two large pizzas on trays. Everyone started chatting and laughing again, so I continued about my job. I placed them on the side and picked the pizzas up and placed them on a plate. Placing the trays in the sink, I walked over to a draw, opened it and picked up a knife. I'm always rubbish at cutting pizza, but I didn't really want to ask for help. So I decided to give it my best shot, and it was bad. I struggled from beginning, trying to cut through the middle, the toppings began to fall off everywhere. I couldn't even cut through the crust!

"Need some help?" said a voice behind me. I jumped and turned around, still clutching the knife.

"Whoah! Watch where you're pointing that!" Brandon teased, jumping back.

"Oh! Sorry!" I said and placed it on the side.

"Looks like you're struggling a bit there, want me to do it?" He asked.

I shook my head, I didn't need any help from him thank you very much! "No, thanks. I'm good." He look past my shoulder at the butchered pizza.

"Are you sure?" he asked, "Because that look more like a slaughtered body than a pizza to me," he teased. I sighed, he was right, nobody will be able to eat this if I carried on. The only reason why I offered to do it was to get away from him. 

That worked.

He laughed, placed his hands on my shoulder and gently pushed me out of the way. He picked up the knife and sliced both pizzas, with ease, into eight equal parts. 

 Brilliant, now I look like an idiot.

 He picked up the slices, placed them all on a plate and handed it to me and winked.

"There you go Wilkins," he said.

"Errr- thanks," I stuttered. He smiled, turned and walked back to the table. I slowly followed and placed the plate on the table. They were gone in almost seconds, I laughed.

"Goodness guys, anyone would think you were starving!" They all laughed and I sat down in my seat. Well I certainly was starving, I had only had a small slice. My stomach began to rumble, I looked at the plate. Yep. They were certainly all gone, great. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to find Brandon holding up a plate with two slices of pizza on it with a smile on his face.

" I think you need this more than me," he whispered and handed me the plate.

 Our hands grazed as he passed it over. That hand used to fit so perfectly with my own, I miss it.

"Thank you," I mumbled as I took a slice and bit into it, "here you have the other one. You only had one too!"

He smiled at me and took the slice, " Thanks." 

No one saw our other little exchange, which is typical but I was very thankful about it!

We're being civil, I thought. That's weird. When you watch all those break up films, they both hate each other and cannot stand to be in eachother's company. Shouldn't we be like that?

Shouldn't we be fighting or something? I mean sure, there is a lot of awkwardness. But shoudln't I be angry at him and shout? Tell him how I feel and how he's broken my heart into pieces. Shouldn't it be like how John Mayer says? A Heartbreak Warfare?  He did break my heart. Him. Not anyone else, but Him. I should be upset. I should be angry at him, I have the right to. But I didn't seem to feel that way, I feel content.

And I hated it.

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