Maximus, the apple eater.

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I'm in a train station, running. My feet move to the sound of my heart beat.


I can't stop running, I must find him before it's too late.

Shops full of people moving about their daily lives zoom past.

People's face move past  me in a blur, I don't take their details in, there isn't enough time.

I bumped into people, shove past them, there isn't even enough time to apologise.

I just need to keep running.

I don't even know where I'm going, but I know I must stop him before it's too late.

Run Kathy. Run.

I run onto the Platform, there's a train getting ready to go, it can't go! Not yet. I haven't seen him,I must tell him the truth.

That's when I see him. My heart burst with excitement. There he is. This is finally it.

I'm going to tell him.

I continue running, shouting, waving my arms telling him to stop.

As he steps onto the train he turn to look at me, why a sad look?

A girls face pops next to him. 


No it can't be.

They're holding hands, he kisses her, full in the lips, knowing full well I'm watching.

I start to fall, straight the ground, but I don't stop falling. Down and down I go. 

Never ending.

No. No. NO! This can't be. He can't. He can't.

I love him.

I woken by the sound of someone shouting in my ear, "WAAAKEE UPP!!!"


No. It's to early in the morning.


I mumbled something, and turned over and put my head in my pillow.

"WAKE UP KATHY!!" Someone else screamed in my ear.

Seriously, why? Please just let me sleep.



So many different people were shouting, so much for trying to get back to sleep... 

I certainly couldn't be bothered to get out of bed though.

"Go away," I mumbled putting my hands over my ear. That's when someone began to pull me out of my sleeping bag, "Noo.." I protested, "let me sleep, it's too early."

I was pulled out of my sleeping bag and rolled onto the floor.

Ouch. That hurt. I think I whacked my nose on something, I peeked an eyes open to see that it was my phone. Has someone been on it? I swear I put it back in my pillow case.

I feel someone trying to pull me up, so I close my eyes again.

Nope. I still wasn't moving.

Damn you Brandon for making me stay up so late! Not to mention that horrible dreams I had, what on earth was all that about? I seem to be having really weird dream at the moment, usually involving Brandon. They're actually kinda getting on my nerves, they leave me quite shaken when I wake up.

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