Moonlight Muscles.

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Much love x

Me and Laura drove down the road in silence with the radio playing in the background, it was playing The Naked and Famous- Punching in a Dream. I like this song, so I begin to sing along.

"I don't ever wanna be here. Like punching in a dream breathing life into my nightmare." I roll the window down, and let the warm breeze blow against my face. It was beautiful weather today, strange how it changed so quickly! I was wearing my coat yesterday, now I had changed from my purple skinny jeans to my shorts!

Laura broke the silence, "I hope Catrin won't mind us being late!"

I turn to face her, she's wearing a light blue summer dress which has birds flying over it, her hair is down and has bouncy curls at the bottoms. Her hands grip the steering wheel tightly, and she speeds up the car a little bit. I put my hand on her arm, hoping she'd slow down a bit, "I'm sure  she won't, we're always late for things. Just slow down a bit, we're almost there anyway." 

She loses her grip on the wheel and slows down. She seems to be quite nervous a lot at the moment, I ask her, "is everything alright Laura? You seem- I dunno, stressed."

She gives a small laugh and with a concerned look on her face she turns to me and says, "don't worry. I'm fine Kathy."

"You're obviously not Laura, it's fine, you can tell me."

She sighs and turns back to watch the road, "I just- I don't really know what-"

"Know what?" I ask.

"It's Rhys." I knew something was going on, should I dare ask her? If she needs help then I should, so I do, "Do you like him?" She stays silent, just watching the road as she drives. We were just round the corner from the Train Station.

She breaks the silence, "look lets just drop the subject. We're here now, anyway." She was right, we had just pulled into the car park. She drove into a space, and stopped the engine.

"How about you go in and get Catrin, I'll wait here." she says. I nod and jump out of the car. Maybe I should just leave the subject alone for a while, she obviously is struggling a bit. I walk toward the entrance of the Station. I wonder what happened between them, maybe I should have a chat with Rhys. We are very close, and I know he would tell me anything. But I don't really want to mess with the situation. I'll see if anything else happens, for now, I'll just leave it. I walk through the doors, and look for my best girl, Catrin. I look around the station, where is she? I continue walking forward, peering into shops and Cafes as I pass them. I couldn't find her, great.

Just as I go to get my phone out of my pocket, I hear a voice behind me, "well you're a tad late." I spin round quickly and come face to face with my best friend.

"Catrin!" I squeal, as I jumped forward and pull her into a hug, "I've missed you so much!"

She laughs, "why hello! I've missed you too!" She pulls back and looks at me, a frown appears on her face, " Okay two things. One, why are you so late? And secondly, why are you all wet?"

I sigh nervously and run a hand through my hair, "well it's kind of a long story-"

"Oh this should be good," she says sarcastically. This is why I love Catrin, it's like she already knows somethings up even before I tell her. She's caring, and always knows what to say, or even do, when I don't. I nod toward to exit, so Catrin picks up her bag and we both begin to walk toward it.

"So come on then, tell me what's happened." So I did, I told her how Brandon turned up out of the bloom and how no one told me he was coming. I told her about our talk, and how we were now apparently friends. I told her everything right up to the point where I left to go get her, and why I was soaking wet. I told her quickly so I wouldn't have to talk about it in the car with Laura, I hadn't really told the other girls about last night, so I thought it best to leave it in the car. Laura and Catrin said their excited hellos, hugs and smiles all around and before I knew it, we were back at the house and taking Catrin's bag out of the boot. Laura had already gone into the house, so it was just me and Catrin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2013 ⏰

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