Chapter 30

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(Cute Zarry fan art! Not mine!!!!)

When I wake up, I'm in Zayn's arms. How did I end up here? I thought I was sleeping on the couch? Zayn's arms were put around my waist and his face was hidden in my neck. Not really complaining now. I feel comfortable and safe. All I can do is enjoy this moment. Who knows what's going to happen between us from this point on.

"Harry..." I hear Zayn mumble

I almost freak out because I thought I woke him up but turns out, he's still asleep. I smile at the fact that he said my name in his sleep. My imagination runs wild. What if he woke up and found me and took me to sleep in bed with him? It's a possibility. I don't remember waking up and getting in bed with Zayn.

Now that I remember every single thing that happened, I think back on the other night. He really does care if he saved me. How did he even find me? Was he looking for me? My heart flutters at the thought. Love. It does things to you.

If you told me a year ago I'd be madly in love with Zayn Malik, I'd tell you that you're crazy. I would laugh it off and go off to watch a movie with Niall. I didn't think that this would ever happen.

I wrap my arms around him, not wanting to let him go. "Please don't let me go..." I whisper to him, tangling our legs together.

"I'm never going to let you go" Zayn mumbles into my neck

My cheeks turn dark red. So he was awake this entire time. I don't say anything after that, we're both silent for a couple of minutes. I guess I should start apologizing now.

This is one thing I'm bad at. When I'm apologizing for something I feel super guilty about, I get super nervous and emotional. I'm an emotional person, I know. At least I'm admitting to that.

"Zayn..." I say softly, already nervous,

"I'm really sorry... for what I said... I don't know what I was thinking, I was so wrong. You never forced yourself on me. And I know that. What I said was really wrong and I wish I could of thought everything through and take back what I said... Zayn, you don't have to forgive me but I just want to let you know I'm sorry..."

Zayn moves, looking up at me. A weak smile was plastered on his face. He looked so tired and so vulnerable. He didn't just look sleepy tired, he looked weak, sad... I lean in for a kiss but I'm stopped by Zayn pressing his finger against my lips.

"I'm sorry for everything. For pressuring you to cheat, for yelling, for anything that has made you feel bad in any way. I'm sorry, and I love you." Zayn says, his voice raspy

I sniffle and smile, pulling him into a tight hug. He grunts and just then I remember that he has bruises all over his body. "Sorry, sorry." I whisper, kissing his cheek. He hides his face in my neck again. I liked cuddling like this. It was a new way for us to cuddle, but I liked it. It was cozy.

"I'm sorry for anything I've done to annoy you or anger you or upset you... I don't mean too... I love you, Zayn." I say, rubbing Zayn's back gently

Suddenly, Zayn hiccups, his grip tightening on me. He lets out a ragged breath and a whimper. He sniffles and I feel warm droplets of water hitting my neck. Was he crying??

Oh my god. Zayn is crying.

I hold him closer to me, not daring to let him go. I hold onto him as if he was being taken away from me. Why was he crying??? Maybe instead of asking myself I should ask him.

"Babe... Why are you crying?" I ask with a gentle tone

"I.. I just don't ever want to lose you.." He whimpers, his crying getting harder

"You're never going to lose me... Never. I'm yours, Zayn. Forever and always." I cup his cheeks in my hands, lifting his head up so he's looking at me

I press my lips against his, kissing him gently. He sniffles before kissing me back. When he was crying I swear my heart snapped in half. Zayn usually never cries but when he does, it's the most heart breaking you'll ever see.

Memories float through my head. Like when he got his favorite t-shirt ruined and just laughed or when he fell of his skateboard and fractured his wrist. He never cried. I've only seen him cry 1 other time and that was because he missed his family. He was just on the couch, phone in his hand, tears flooding the place. Yeah, he rarely cries but when he does, he cries hard.

I pull away from the kiss and Zayn cracks a smile before crying even harder. I sit up and hold him in my arms. I guess now there's a slight perk of being bigger.. I can hold him in my arms easily.

I let him cry on me as I try to soothe him by playing with his hair. He likes it when I play with his hair. He was sitting on my lap, head resting on my shoulder. One of my hands was occupied, playing with Zayn's hair, and the other was resting across his lap.

Minutes passed and Zayn had fallen asleep again. He cried himself to sleep. That thought breaks my heart. I wipe the tears from his cheeks and push his hair away from his face. I lay back down, still keeping him close to me, covering the both of us with the blanket. After about half an hour, I finally fall asleep, a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach.

The thing is, he never promised me he'd be mine forever.



Short chapter! This chapter is pretty important!


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