Final: One More Time

427 21 16

*Misora POV*

My eyes narrowed with annoyance at the busy hustle in front of the Music Bank building.

"Excuse me," I muttered, shoving my way through the crowd.

Most people shot me dirty glances as I pushed past them and others didn't seem to care.

I reached the area where you could enter backstage and security stopped me. I frowned at the two men dressed in formal black standing in front of me. "Are you going to stop me now?"

One of the two gave me a tight smile, "I believe that's what we were hired for Miss."

"No, it's okay. Let her through," said a voice from behind the two burly men.

They eyed the handsome man in full makeup and costume warily. "Umm..."

The idol rolled his eyes, "It's Infinite's Sunggyu in case you're wondering. Let the girl in. She's with me."

The security guards looked at each other for a second before stepping aside and allowing me through. Luckily, no fans saw me slip through as they were too busy anticipating the comebacks and live shows that were about to start.

"What's the situation?" I asked Sunggyu as he whisked me down the corridors.

"The photo of that hasn't been leaked online if that's what your asking." Sunggyu informed me.

"That was only half of what I was asking but thanks anyway Sunggyu," I replied.

Sunggyu sighed and muttered, "Informal as always... just like the boyfriend."

I shot him a look that said shut up, "We are on a break."

"You haven't sorted that out yet?"

I made a small noise of exasperation, "I was waiting to sort it out tonight actually. Where is Sungjong by the way?"

"Probably back stage on standby," Sunggyu said.

"Isn't that where you're supposed to be as well?" I raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"...Yeah but I'm busy sneaking you back here," Sunggyu retorted.

"You said before that I was with you so technically I'm a guest and not sneaking." I told him as we turned the corner and bumped into the person we were looking for.

"Oi Misora." L said. "We got a spot for you I'm the audience where Sungjong will be able to see you clearly and straight away. Ready?"

I gave him a little smirk, "I always try to be."

"Let's go then and try to fix this stupid misunderstanding," L said. "I'll meet you backstage during standby hyung."

Sunggyu nodded and tapped me lightly on the head, "I don't want anyone crying at the end of this night okay."

A sideways smile stretched my lips, "No promises."


"Can you save me?"

The lights lit up the stage like a flame. My eyes scanned the faces of all the members finding the one that made my heart race out of my chest.

And there he was. Sungjong's black hair was styled delicately and his clothes fit his slender frame in a way so nice it would make any fangirl scream and hyperventilate.

I was caught up in the cheering as well until Sungjong let himself look up and his eyes searched the crowd naturally like it was part of the choreography. My brain stopped functioning as I saw the determination and hard work in his expression and movement. It was masked by a more powerful sorrow either from acting the song or from a real heart break.

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