Chapter 12: Sucks For You

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*Misora POV*

Wind rustled through the treetops, scattering autumn leaves everywhere. The passionate look in L’s eyes was backed with determined emotion. I literally felt my heart skip a beat. Why must this be so awkward goddammit?

I looked anywhere but the gorgeous man standing in front of me, biting my lip, “I-I… uh…”

L was still gazing at me with a loving look in his chocolate eyes.

Clearing my throat I gathered my courage to look him in the eye, “M-Myungsoo… I-I…” I inwardly cursed myself for being such a coward, “How to put this…”

He gave me a gentle smile. “It’s okay. I’ll give you a while to think about it.” L leaned closer and lightly pressed his lips to my forehead, “Goodnight Misora.”

I grabbed the hem of his jacket just as he was about to leave. “I know this is selfish but if you don’t mind…” My voice was barely audible and my eyes were cast down at the ground. I knew I was blushing furiously. When did I become like… this? “…Could you wait for me… until I’ve made up with Sungjong…?”

I felt a gentle hand cup my face, bringing my eyes to his. “Is that a ‘yes’ then?” L breathed.

I desperately wanted to look away from his warm gaze but found myself suddenly ensnared by his beautiful chocolate-brown eyes. They were just like Jongie’s. I bit my lip and hit myself mentally. What was I thinking at a time like this?

I took a deep breath and brushed his hand away from my face, wanting to get rid of this shy, cutesy girl that wasn’t me. “Don’t get too full of yourself. I didn’t say yes, only that I wanted to make up with Sungjong first.”

L brushed a few strands of hair away from my eyes, leaning in closer until his nose was touching mine. “You told me to wait…” He whispered. “… And so I will. The second you and Sungjong go back to being best friends, you become mine.” Lightly knocking our foreheads together, he pulled away.

My brain felt like it had stopped processing what was going on. Instead lending its energy to my beating heart that I swear was going at a hundred miles per second. A smirk lit up L’s features before he walked away like he owned the place.

I tried my best to snap out of it as I entered my house. “Umma” was probably on her way home from work as the clock hadn’t even hit six yet. Sighing, I made my way to the kitchen and made myself some hot chocolate all the while thinking hard. I haven’t even known him for half a year but do I like Kim Myungsoo? Sure he’s a good friend and he’s kind and caring with a smile that completely melts me but do I like him? Like, like him, like him? Aish! Now I was just confusing myself. Staring at the steaming cup of choco I muttered absentmindedly, “How about Sungjong?” What I felt a long time ago when we were still in grade school was that possibly… love? What the hell was I thinking?! The man had a girlfriend! I froze mid-thought.

I inhaled through my teeth, “I couldn’t possibly…”

Was I jealous of… Hyuna? Did I like Sungjong? No, no, no, my feelings when I was around L were real. My heart don’t lie… but that would explain… my anger towards Sungjong that day.

“Ah!” I held my head, “I’m thinking too much!”

For now I was in love with L… or that’s what I’ll believe.


*Sungjong POV*

It looked like L was about to walk away when Misora grabbed the hem of his jacket. My eyes narrowed in suspicion. I could tell that L had confessed to her but I couldn’t hear her reply. Dammit Misora speak up! I was calmly watching the two when I saw L leaning in towards her. My eyebrows shot up in surprise and I felt my anger flare way higher than any mountain peak. Was L about to kiss my girl? Wait, my girl? I slapped myself on the cheek, “Get it together man. You have a girlfriend.”

I bit my lip worriedly, unable to watch. As far as I knew that would be Misora’s first kiss.

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