Chapter 11: Mistakes Cost Us

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*Misora POV*

Why are you mad at me? His words struck me deep. Why was I mad at him?

“I’m not mad at you,” I shrugged, believing it was the truth.

“Then why have you been ignoring me for the past week?” Sungjong pointed out.

“I haven’t,” slipped carelessly out of my mouth.

“It’s obvious you have. You’re mad at me,” Sungjong placed his hands on his hips. “What did I do? You know how painful it is not hearing you cheer me on? Not seeing your smile? Where was the support you promised me all those years ago?”

I scoffed, “Support?” Striding forward, I snarled right in his face, “You’re one to talk.”

“What are you talking about?” He glared.

“Where was your support through my final years of college in New Zealand? Where I was struggling to make a future for myself?” Why was I fighting with him? I wanted to make up and go back to our easy relationship. Even if that was what I wanted, why was this happening?

“You think you had it hard?” Sungjong retorted. “I dropped out of school to make what I have now a reality. It wasn’t only you who I stopped contact with. I saw my family less and less.”


“You know how much I missed you?!” I raised my voice.

“I’m sure you had no problem making friends Misora,” Sungjong said coldly. “You know what happened at school when you left? All those people that would hang around us disappeared. You know why? Because they were all there for you.”

“Easy?” I hung my head and laughed, hiding the tears threatening to run from the corner of my eyes. “I didn’t know the language. Everyone expected me to know Japanese. All the Asians in my school were Chinese or Filipino. I was more isolated…” I lifted my head up, “Than you could ever be!”

Sungjong recoiled at the sight of my tears. “…Don’t cry dammit.”

I formed my hand into a fist and hit him once squarely in the chest. “Stupid.” I punched him yet again. “Clueless idiot.” Another punch. “You left me…”

Sungjong grabbed my raised fist, finishing my sentence, “…All alone?” He pushed my hand away. “Now you know how it felt.”

My eyes widened as I scoffed. “You…” I gathered all my hatred into a single push. Sungjong hit the wall with an all-too-audible thud. It resonated through the empty corridor and soon people poked their heads out from their dressing rooms wondering what had caused the noise.

My eyes darkened as I looked at him supporting himself against the wall. “Alone? You have your family. Even if you didn’t notice it, MinKi was looking out for you even when I left. You had your trainee friends. And now you have Infinite.” I gritted my teeth and swiped my hand, cutting through the air. “Alone my a$$! You were never alone!” 

“What? And you were?” Sungjong straightened up. “You eventually learned English! You made new friends! You have your umma! Heck! You probably even had a boyfriend! Don’t give me that crap!”

“SHUT UP!” I yelled at him, putting my hands over my ears. “Even so! I had to leave it didn’t I?!”

I could see tears trailing down my best friend’s cheeks as he screamed at me, “YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST STAYED THEN!”

Oh yeah, he didn’t know about Umma’s accident… and I wasn’t planning to tell him. I don’t need his pity, or anyone’s for that matter.

I snarled and stepped up to him. Grabbing a pressure point near his neck, I forced Sungjong onto his knees. “MAYBE I SHOULD HAVE! THAT WAY I WOULD NEVER HAVE HAD TO SEE YOUR SORRY FACE EVER AGAIN!”

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