Jinx x Female Reader |Curiosity Part 1|

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If you could quit your job, you would. Your boss wanted you to work overtime on Christmas Eve. Obviously you were bothered and annoyed but you did need the extra bucks. You needed to get a gift for your brother who's now living in Piltover. Yeah you wanted to stay in Zaun, it was your home after all. You weren't really bothered by what Piltover and Zaun's history was all you really cared about was surviving.
Your job at The Last Drop was giving you the right amount of money to pay for the apartment you wanted but you also wondered how much money your brother was making. He worked at a fancy restaurant and was a waiter. Of course waiters weren't paid as much as the chefs but Piltover has tons of money to go around.
Your overtime shift had just started and you were not ready for it. You were being called over to multiple tables just to get orders and pass around drinks. It was busier than normal, most likely because it's Christmas Eve.
Exhausted you clocked out of your shift, it was already Midnight. You grabbed your bag that held your work clothes and left through the back door. You were walking home, it was snowing, and you were starting to get cold.
You cursed at yourself for packing shorts, you didn't expect it to snow but you were very careless. All you could think about was getting home and starting the fireplace. But you now realized that your probably weren't going to make it as the snow started to pick up and it got really windy.
Just your luck, a snowstorm, this was the worst Christmas Eve you've ever experienced. You looked around for anywhere you could slip inside and wait it out but everywhere looked closed.
'Shit' was all you could think.
The wind was picking up much quicker than you expected and it seemed to be more of a blizzard than a snowstorm. You got under an arched roof and got your work clothes out of your bag and wrapped them around your body. It was freezing, you were freezing.
Just as you were about to lose hope in ever being able to get home someone threw you a jacket. You didn't hesitate to put it on. Once you had the jacket on you looked up to see who gave you it. There wasn't anyone there anymore. Your were confused, curious. Who gave you this jacket?
Where did they go?
You couldn't spend too much time thinking about it as you made a run for your home.
The fire was crackling, you had a warm cup of hot chocolate and bandages around your hands. You got frostbite from being out there for so long.
You were still confused and curious about who saved you out there, you looked down at the cash you got from your shift. It wasn't much, but if you could ever find out who saved your life, it only feels right to pay them back.
That night you fell asleep next to the fireplace with at least 3 blankets over you. It wasn't cold anymore. Everything was now warm.

AN: Part 2?

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