Vi x Female Reader x Jinx |Sisterly Jealousy|

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(This is a request made by... I forget their name, anyways hope you enjoy this because it might be the only multi-ship you see on here)

I felt cornered and well, I want to say attacked I mean. Two friends of mine were arguing who I belonged to. They were siblings and I was just that tag along friend, well, more of that easy to crush on friend it seems... "JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE OLDER MEANS YOU HAVE THE FINAL SAY!" I feel like I could be sipping on a cup of tea while they argued and almost attacked each other. It was kinda like dealing with savage animals, except they were much more feral than savage. "SO WHAT? I'D EASILY FIGHT YOU FOR HER!"
Hm yes, the first challenge has been announced by Vi, and I already know Jinx is gonna acc- "FINE THEN FIGHT ME!" Yep... oh boy here we go. "Can you both stop arguing already? I'm getting a headache, you can decide on it lat-" both ignored me and continued to argue. Fine I'll just get some fresh air while you two probably kill each other.
I mean like, I'm just one girl what is so special about someone like me? I could hear them still shouting even whilst I was outside, good grief. "How ya doin' Y/N?" That voice, a very, used to be short, friend of mine. "Hey Ekko... I'm doing good, how about you??" I felt exhausted when I spoke, like a broken typewriter. "All good on my end, you look pretty worn out. Vi and Pow-Jinx fighting over y-" The window to the door crashed and it was some random chair. "Don't even think I need to answer that." Ekko laughed a little at my sarcasm.
"Yeah I see that now, want me to talk to em?" I gave him a glance, he looked genuine. "If you can even get them to listen, but sure, try your luck." Ekko pat me on the shoulder before kicking the chair off somewhere and heading into the now titled war zone.
I took a breath in and kept it for a bit before letting it out. How am I supposed to choose over them? My best friends both crushing on me to the point of fighting each other! This is a mess... they're both amazing in their own ways. Jinx is fun and creative. Vi is a huge flirt and defensive. UGH! This is so annoying...
"Y/N." I jumped a bit startled because I didn't even realize that Ekko had walked back out with Vi and Jinx. "Oh, hi guys..." Ekko sat down beside me. "Y/N, we both already know that YOU know we both have feelings for you but... we don't want to have to make you choose since we're both close frie-" I immediately cut her there. "Alright I know, I know, what do you think I've been thinking about the past week?! Ugh... well it doesn't matter I'll accept both of you."
Vi and Jinx looked puzzled. I didn't even realize what I said myself until I thought about it. "W-Wait I-" they both hugged me at the same time, it was suffocatingly tight... "G-GUYS AIR-"
They let go and I gasped for breath... "Y/N, we love you..."

(Time Skip for once in my life)

Jinx laid down onto me and I felt the air I had get knocked out of my chest. I was sitting with Vi so I wasn't the only one. Jinx had plopped herself down onto both of us. "POWDER!" Not again... we just got done with this... Jinx laughed a bit but stayed where she was not afraid of her sister. "I only came for quality time!" Jinx gave me a small wink which got the blush to rise to my cheeks. "Guys not now..." Vi held my side. "Yes now~"

AN: *sips tea*, Good Day SIMPS. I'm leaving this one here you can assume what happens next but for now I need to get to work on the rest of the lined up chapters so I can get to requests. Sorry for the delay my friends. Peace out.

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