3| When He Falls For You - Raph

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"Well you were right, that did help, but you're going to have to do a lot more than some funny impressions to make turtles my favorite animal," you laughed.

"That's exactly why I'm taking you somewhere," Raph smirked, as he eyed you from the corner of his eye. "Over here," he said, cupping his hand around your arm to lead you in the right direction.

He let go of your arm and walked over to a manhole cover. He squatted down next to it and lifted it up, setting it to the side. "Tell me I'm not supposed to go down there," you deadpanned, looking at him with an equally unimpressed expression.

He smirked again. You liked his smirk, it made his eyes squint so perfectly. "Come on, I'll keep you safe," he winked.

You tried not to smile as you sighed and put one foot inside the manhole. You held onto his hand so you wouldn't fall, accidentally trusting him a little too much, because when you did, Raph jumped down and turned you loose. Having only one foot down and most of your support having been Raph, you wobbled and fell into the sewer. You screamed so loud anyone in a three mile radius could've heard you.

Suddenly, right before you were about to hit the ground you landed in Raph's strong arms as he caught you bridal style.

You slowly lifted your clenched arms away from your face and pried your eyes open to see the same smirk you were admiring just a minute ago, only bigger; toothier. As much as you wanted to hate him for almost giving you a heart attack, you loved that smirk. "You... bitch!" you finally managed. His smirk widened.

"I caught you, didn't I?" His teeth gleamed with the light coming from above. You were mesmerized for a moment before you caught yourself.

"Barely," you rolled your eyes, crossing your arms and turning your head, trying to hide the smile you just couldn't seem to wipe; no matter how angry you thought you should be.

"So do you want me to put you down, or..." he trailed off.

You suppressed a smile, "No."

"N-no?" he laughed, teeth parted.

"No," you smirked, "after that I think I deserve to be carried. And you deserve to have to carry me." You looked him up and down like you were waiting for him to debate you but he didn't.

"All right, princess," he mocked as he threw you over his shoulder, securing you like a sack of potatoes.

"Hey," you turned your head, although it was hard as the way he held you had your head facing the opposite direction of his, "don't call me that!"

"Ok, Your Highness."

"This," Raph plopped you down next to him and steadied you, "is the lair. It's where me and my brothers live." He turned his head, and you looked back at him. His eyes were very expectant.

"What?" you asked, wondering why he was looking at you like that.

"Come on," he grabbed your arm and pulled you through the turnstiles. He didn't let go of your arm as he led you through a common sitting area and behind a giant metal door into what looked like a makeshift science lab.

"Whoa..." you whispered, looking up at the high ceiling and metal walls.

Raph looked straight forward and said, "This is Y/n."

Another turtle with a light purple mask who was fiddling with several different beakers containing bright liquids looked up at Raph, and turned his head to look at you. He nodded slowly, looking a little confused and said, "Ok, sure," he said, still nodding as he looked back down to his work.

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