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Garito and Vesemir played cards for some time with the villagers who wanted some coin, but in the end they all lost and in addition Vesemir won a one-handed crossbow.

Garito: Looks like your shoulder healed well.

Vesemir: Thanks to the fact that I always have a Swallow.

Garito: I remember in my first contract what an injury I had, I had to drink six Swallows to survive.

Vesemir: And you almost died of an overdose, too. I had no idea our veins could turn so black.

Garito and Vesemir laughed a little.

Vesemir: But don't do this stupidity often you can't be so lucky every time.

Garito: I know, I know.

Garito then stood up.

Garito: I'm going to get some fresh air, are you coming too?

Vesemir: Why not, something tells me that Geralt will be coming soon anyway.

After about five minutes outside, Geralt came to Vesemir and Garito. And Garito felt the worst stink of them all.

Vesemir: Yes? What is it, Wolf?

Geralt: Got good news and bad news. Good news first - captain of the Nilfgaardian garrison knows where Yennefer went.

Vesemir: And the bad's that we have to kill the griffin for him.

Geralt: And he also used strong words when he mentioned Garito. I even heard the words I heard for the first time.

Garito: So he still holding a grudge.

Vesemir: What else could he want from the witchers? Garito, tell us what you know.

Garito: From what I've found, the one I killed was a woman, ten to twelve years old so that griffin we hunting must be angry males at a similar age.

Geralt: Because of that it left its nest, we have to lure him and prepare a trap.

Vesemir: And how's that going?

Geralt: Got the bucktorn.

Garito: So that's the awful stench!

Vesemir: Oughta work like a charm. Powerful scent.

Geralt: I have to agree with Garito here.

Vesemir: City boys. Rotting meat, manure, piss - stardard smells of the coutryside. (to Geralt) Remember Tretogor, hunting that zeugl in the trash heap? You spent half the next day bathing, scrubbing youself.

Geralt: How can I forget? You ever gonna stop bringing that up?

Garito: We should get ready as soon as possible.

Geralt: I'm ready. No point in waiting. Let's find a good spot to ambush it.

Vesemir: Picked one out already. Other side of the stream - there's fields and grove. Plenty of room and far enough so no one'll get in our way.

Garito: Let's go.

Geralt prepared the bait, and in the meantime Vesemir and Garito went to the place and made a fake sheep. After a while, Gerat approached them.

Geralt: A steam, amber waves of grain... charming place. Perfect for an ambush.

Vesemir: I know how to choose 'em. So ready?

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