Chapter 41

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Lucifer was bored. Everyone else was out of the 'telepathic chat window' as Dean flippantly called it, and that meant he had no one to talk to. At least that was what he thought.

Hello Lucifer.

The arch angel sat up in shock. He knew that voice, how could he not?


I've been watching Dean and Sam. I must admit, I wasn't expecting Death to pull something like this off just to get back at Micheal. But it's definitely working out better than I thought.

You've been watching them?

God suddenly sounded a little sheepish as he said
I've had to relive this current mess so many times that when Dean told Castiel about Sam dating Loki I decided to actually pay attention to them again. When I realized something was very off I asked Death what happened and he told me everything.

Lucifer snorted.

Mort said that his current 'Master' asked him for a second chance to live, so he picked Dean's body to do it.


Dean called Death Mort, and the name stuck for some reason, shrugged Lucifer.

It will be interesting to see if he can actually change things.

So what prompted this anyway?

I was curious if you were willing to try an experiment. If Death thinks I'm not going to join in on his idea of a prank then he's got another thing coming.

Lucifer sat up. Finally some action!

I'm all ears!

How long do you think it would take Micheal and the others to realize you're out before Lilith is killed, if she ever is?

Yeah, I don't see Dean falling for it. Not if Mort tells him about the seal. He's more likely to transfigure her into something humiliating and then hand it to an angel just to piss them off, said Lucifer flatly.

God snorted in amusement. From what he saw of the brothers, that was really, really likely. And very funny to boot.

So what's the plan?

You get a vessel like Gabriel's that doesn't require you take over Sam Harvelle and in exchange you take pictures of their expression when they find out I let you go from the cage before the seals were fully broken. I expect several of your brothers when they finally catch on, said God without any hesitation.

Death got to prank his children, why couldn't he? This Lucifer was much more reasonable and Death's mortal avatar could easily handle keeping Lucifer in line.

Besides, he didn't want Lucifer to fight Micheal any more than Gabriel did. I get any input on what it looks like? And do you want pictures of Dean's slow realization that he might like Castiel ?

Yes to both!

Gabriel stared at Sam and Dean wide-eyed in horror.

"Someone actually did that stupid razors in the candy myth? Who would be so evil as to ruin candy like that?" he asked.

If the situation wasn't so serious, Dean would have laughed at the look on Gabriel's face. Instead he had a better idea.

"When we find the bastards, wanna go full on Trickster on their ass?"

"Damn straight! No one messes with candy some poor kid could have eaten and gets away with it!" said Gabriel with righteous anger in his eyes.

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