Chapter 30

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Dean would later giggle evilly when Mort showed them a memory of his chat with Loki. It was like someone had slapped him repeatedly with flowers. They couldn't hear what was said, but from the look on Loki's face it was definitely something he wasn't expecting. Then Mort mentioned the real reason the brothers had sought out the Trickster and he grew a rather devious face.

Now that finally crack Dean had made before leaving made a lot more sense.

"By the way, Loki says the next time you get bored, look him up and then you'll have a real prank war on your hands. He seemed very impressed by you two" said Mort amused.

How did he like the news that the Marauders live again in the form of the Harvelle siblings?

Jo had a prankster streak too, but she rarely got to use it on anyone outside of boys who dumped her for another. The last guy who dumped her had been before prom, and that guy still cried if he thought Jo was in the same state as him.

Dean was proud to say he taught her most of the pranks she still used on people who pissed her off.

Dean was in Stitch mode again. He seemed to be spending a lot of time in his creature form.

Today they were on the hunt for a rogue werewolf. One who already had a victim that survived.

Chances were they would have to get the Ministry to relocate the poor idiot who got bit. It wouldn't be the first time.

However since Stitch had night vision (strange as that was) Dean knew it would be a better idea to stay in creature form and let Sam handle this with input from the 'walkie talkie' inside the 'doll'. Which was their cover for why Stitch could talk with minimal lip movement.

Oh, and it freaked the hell out of people in the process until Sam explained.

That didn't stop people from asking why Bear carried the doll everywhere like it was his baby.

"So you going to stay like that the entire hunt?" asked Sam casually.

"I'm bored and Mort has no idea where Loki is. So yes," said Stitch.

Dean plus boredom always meant bad things...for others.

"Whatever. Good thing I know how to cast a doppelganger spell, otherwise I would be on my own," said Sam rolling his eyes.

Sam had to learn that spell to deal with rather annoying fan girls who were interesting in dating the tallest guy on campus. It had been a relief finding Jess. It was easier making a double of himself than it was of Dean though.

For a few days everything was normal...right up until Sam made a monumental mistake and slept with the newly infected werewolf girl. Dean was never letting him live that one down. He was just lucky Bear scared her off before she bit him.

"That does it. Sammy, hand me a phone. Mine are on the chargers," said Dean tiredly.

Sam handed over his hunter phone.

"Department of Creature Relocation. This is Amanda speaking."

"Yeah, we have a newly infected werewolf and I think it would be easier to relocate her since she doesn't seem inclined to hurt others."

"One moment please. Can I have your ID number and location?"

Dean rattled off the number and which town they were in. He knew that the American Ministry was much more reasonable with creatures and those recently infected. At least this woman would have a chance at a normal life.

They stayed long enough to insure she was given all the bare facts and where to go when the moon was full. They couldn't cure her, but they could give her a semblance at being normal again.

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