Chapter 53

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Hello people i hope everyone had a good Easter and Anzac Day.
As school is starting this week i will be updating on sat/sun - one of these days
I hope you enjoy
The 'Golden Trio' and the rest of Gryffindor got a good look at Dean's dog when they entered the common room that night. The massive hound barked and immediately went to greet his master.

"Who's a good Bear. Sit," said Dean grinning.

Bear sat and did every trick Dean asked him to, even saluting him on queue. It was mostly for the benefit of the prefects to prove his dog was trained and wouldn't be an issue.

"So where are you sleeping Dean?" asked Harry.

"Dumbledore said that even though I'm a transfer I have to stay in the fourth year dorms. I warn you now, if I get woken up by snoring I will be waking the offender with cold water in the face," said Dean flatly.

As one, every boy in fourth year looked at Ron.


"Nothing," said Harry, though he hoped to see Ron's expression when Dean woke him up. Out of all the boys Ron snored the loudest.

Sam took one look at the private Ravenclaw library and the expression on his face said volumes. He wanted to dive right in, but the amount of food he ate prevented it.

"Definitely a Ravenclaw," snorted Cho.

"So do we have to share a dorm or what?" asked Sam.

"Because of the low population, we can afford to give everyone their own room. Just pick a room you like that's on the same floor as the other fourth years," said the male prefect.

Sam went up the stairs and found one that was both empty and had a window. Unlike the other boys, he wasn't that big a fan of sleeping in, and it gave easy access out of the tower. He was out cold the minute his head hit the pillow.

Castiel went into his room. While the boys did share a floor, he was lucky enough to get his own room instead of a double. Having an odd amount of fourth years was a pleasant benefit. Inside his room a pair of intense blue eyes belonging to his alternate started back. The two switched places with ease of practice.

Harry was grinning as he watched Dean lift a large bucket of ice cold water and dumped it on Ron. The red head shot up with a yelp as he was effectively soaked.

"You snore, loudly. Now if you'll excuse me I have to prank the girls before anyone is awake enough to notice me there," said Dean smirking.

"Good luck with that. The girl's stairway is cursed," said Ron yawning.

"I don't need luck. I have Stitch," came Dean's cryptic reply.

They had just finished showering when they heard the first shriek. Dean had long since escaped to the breakfast table before the other boys could out him as the culprit.

Hermione came down fuming.

"What happened?" asked Harry.

"There were frogs in our rooms! Wall to wall frogs!" she said angrily.

Harry fully blamed the twin's influence for what he said next.

"Was Trevor there? Neville said he's been missing again."

Hermione looked like she very much wanted to hex him for that comment.

Castiel perked when he saw Dean. Nowhere in the Hogwarts charter did it say they had to eat with their house once they got their schedules, and Cas had already picked up his copy from Sprout who was an early riser. He honed in on the hunter who immediately split the coffee with him.

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